The literal: big blue aluminum pieces of public art
The figurative: the potential for my little corner of cyber space
Olaf Breuning and the Public Art Fund have a joyful work of art that is on display through August 24. You can find it at the south-east corner of Central Park.
I have this blog. You’re reading it. Come this May, it will have existed for six years. I want to do more with it. I feel like I have so much potential here, I’m struggling to maximize it. Amazingly my blog host, Wordpress is offering help. Today is the first day of a two-week blogging challenge.
Right out of the gate, I’m challenged to come up with 3 specific goals for my blog.
Now, I’m about the least goal-oriented person you’ll ever meet. I used to say- “That’s just how I am!” But floundering around with out goals hasn’t left me accomplishing much. So I let my mind drift up into the clouds, resisted the urge to belt out “Corner of the Sky” from Pippin, and thought about my goals.
Spring/Summer 2014 Edition
1. Post a minimum of three times a week, with the ultimate goal of five times a week. That’s a lot, I know. I think consistency is what is really holding me back from reaching the next level with my little blog here. To achieve this goal, I can’t write 1,000 word posts every day. I need to branch out. Maybe perhaps you noticed- I’ve been testing the waters. I’ve started writing more about New York events and sights. I’ve tried writing list posts. I’m still afraid to write a post that’s under 300 words. Why? I dunno! It’s not my style! But I need to try it. Maybe even try one that’s just a picture. I’ve been thinking about trying some fashion posts- the goal is to just do it, and stop thinking about it so much! I’ll be forced to do that if I increase my output. Don’t worry, I won’t forsake quantity for quality. The goal is a balance.
2. Reply to all comments I receive. I am so bad at this. There’s no excuse! I love is so much when you guys comment, so why the hell don’t I SHOW you that by replying? I will get over worries of redundancy or lack of anything to say. A simple “Thanks!” is so much better than nothing- duh. If I just devote 10 minutes a day to commenting- success. It’s almost too easy. I want to encourage more discussion and community- this seems like the obvious, simple but huge, way to do that.
3. Reach out to brands and other bloggers. I want to reach out to other bloggers to guest post on my blog. I need to reach out to bloggers I like and guest post on their sites. 1 of each per month. PR people have begun contacting me asking me to write about events and products. It’s time for me to start reaching out to them. It’s becoming clear this blog is a commodity. Which is exciting! I think I’m ready to take it to the next level. I’m dedicated to this.
I figure if I share them, I’ll be held more accountable. So far so good for #1 already! This is not the kind of post I’d usually write. I judge myself very harshly on what is “blog worthy” and end up never writing about plenty of things I could/should have. Isn’t that ridiculous? Unless you hated reading this post. In which case, let me know in a comment which I will reply to, as per goal #2!
Do you think these are worthy goals? Realistic? Any advice for accomplishing them? Thank you so much for reading, your support, and I hope you’ll stand by me as I try make New York Cliché the best little blog I can! And if you’re near Central Park, go get lost in Olaf’s clouds. More info from Vogue:
“hey hey hey”
“Are you there? Are you there? Are you there?”
“I need to talk to you!!!”
This was barrage of texts messages I was greeted to when I checked my phone on my lunch break. This sort of urgency is usually saved for pregnancy scares and life-changing-inner-circle-friendship gossip. But these messages were from my friend Peter. Who has something even more important to say.
“My exclusive performer may have to cancel for the show tomorrow night. If she does…Would you want to come on and read from your blog???”
“Um, I have very mixed, fraught feelings about this…” [photo by Richard Lurie, Kitsune Media NYC]
I stared at my phone agape. Both terrified and thrilled by the prospect. My first instinct was, “Hell no.” That was the easy answer. My blog is meant to be read from an illuminated screen, not out loud in front of an audience! I’ve been on stage many times, but never as myself, never sharing words I’ve written! The best things I’ve written are poignantly personal. They reveal a level of vulnerability that I’m totally cool with given the distancing the internet provides. But on stage with lights on me and an audience mere feet away? TOMORROW? Fuck no!
But I don’t say fuck no. Because in this case I knew the easy answer was not the right answer. Peter needs my help. I can swoop in and save the day! I’m hesitating because I’m scared? Damn it, Mary Lane, the experience of reading your own writing aloud in front of strangers will be good for you! You can do this.
Fine, conscience, I’ll listen to you. But I hope you know you sound like my dad. [photo by Richard Lurie, Kitsune Media NYC]
I told Peter I’d do it.
And then promptly had a panic attack. Just kidding!
Here’s what I’d signed on for-
Every month Peter hosts a current event, Late Show-style show called The Skinny with Peter DeGiglio. In his own words The Skinny features“an average schnook genuinely attempting to wrap his head around current events and sociopolitical issues; with special guest interviews, wild variety acts and a hip DJ sidekick!”
[photo by Richard Lurie, Kitsune Media NYC]
Cue moment of self doubt: I’m supposed to be the “wild variety act”? “Wild variety act” sounds much more intimidating than “exclusive performer”! Oh Peter, what have you gotten me into? How do I live up to that sort of description! Reading from my blog isn’t “wild”!
The Skinny has a different theme every month. The show I’m to be the exclusive performer in is devoted to NYC: issues that matter to New Yorkers and the progress of the new Mayor de Blasio (kinda rhymes with “DeGiglio”). So featuring me as a guest did make sense. What didn’t make sense was how difficult it was for me to find a blog post that would translate to performance.
It was interesting to realize how many of my posts work strictly within the realm of this blog. I’d never thought about it before.
Pictures are often just as important as the words of a blog post. In performance, I’d have no visual aids, dependent on imagery and description exclusively. So I couldn’t share one of my favorite New York love letters,An Ode to New York City Streets.
Visiting New York? 8 Great Things to Dowas out. The audience would be mostly, if not all New York locals. I couldn’t read anything with a whiff of tourism to it.
My strongest posts, easily translated to monologues, have little to do with New York. Besides the fact they take place there. As captivating as it is that I showed up to say I love you and found my then-boyfriend tripping on acid, as good a story as that is, I couldn’t readSometimes It’s a Long Trip to “I Love You”. Same deal with the most popular post on this blog- “It’s Not You, It’s Me”: A Deluge of Breakup Clichés.
Maybe I’ll write a whole new piece, I considered, weave in the mayor some how. I mean, I have 10 hours at this point, it’s not impossible!
I won’t do anything else all day. I will devote myself fully to this piece. It will be perfect. Yes, this is a good idea. [photo by Richard Lurie, Kitsune Media NYC]
And then I promptly had a panic attack.
Just kidding!
That idea didn’t last long. I decided my post The Passing Fantasies of a Hopeless Romantic would serve my purposes just fine. That post is so very New York. It’s just the right amount of personal, doesn’t need pictures. It was basically written as an inner monologue, perfect to translate to a stage monologue. I edited it and rehearsed it, edited it some more. 90 minutes before my performance another wave of self-doubt hit me and I asked Walter to read it and tell me it was ok. As if I could have done anything if he’d said, “It’s not ok, it sucks.” Fortunately he said, “It’s not ok, it’s great.”
And it was great.
As I sat waiting to perform at the Under St Marks Theater, nothing was great. My hands were a sweaty mess, almost disintegrating the piece of paper my story was typed on. I’d printed it out at the last minute, the font was on the small side, what if I couldn’t read it when I was on stage? What if I was squinting the whole time? I didn’t have it memorized! What if I read something wrong and looked like a doofus?
When I got up to perform, stood in front of the full black box theater, opened my mouth and spoke my own words, that’s when everything turned to great. The energy of the audience, feeling them all on my side, is there any greater feeling to a performer? All eyes on me, I was able to look up from my reading much more than I anticipated. I knew this story, I’d lived it, and getting to perform it live was fantastic. People laughed! Out loud! A legit LOL! I don’t think of my blog as particularly funny. I’ve been told it is, but without the sound of laughter, it just doesn’t sink in for me.
When I concluded my piece, people applauded! It was exhilarating.
[photo by Richard Lurie, Kitsune Media NYC]
As an actor turned writer, lack of applause is something I struggle with. No one applauds for blog posts. I feel like I’m twisting arms to get people to comment or just give the post a “like” on Facebook. After a performance, people applaud even if they didn’t really like it. After a blog post there’s silence, often even if people loved it. That’s the way of writing, but it’s an adjustment for a validation-craving, self-doubting, struggling artist like me. It builds character.
I’m so glad I didn’t take the easy way out. That I pushed myself to do something uncomfortable that had such payoff in the end. This is something I need to do more of.
Thank you so much, Peter, for inviting me on your show and having faith in me that I could whip up a worthy performance in 24 hours. I’m glad I didn’t let you down. Thank you to my friends Tolly and Beth who came to cheer me on with such short notice.
[photo by Richard Lurie, Kitsune Media NYC]
For information on Peter’s April 30th edition of The Skinny, “LIKE” his page on Facebook!
If you’d like to see me perform my writing…let me know…I liked it so much I’m considering how to make it happen again. Also I know this performance was filmed, I’ll try to post the clip if enough people want to see.
Thank you for reading, getting all the way through this especially long post. If you liked it, please consider sharing it. And if you follow me on Twitter @NewYorkCliche or Facebook, I’ll ♥ you as much as I ♥ NY!
If complementary coffee is not offered at the office, I am outraged.
If anyone ever brings donuts to the office, I will eat all of them.
If any free snacks are offered, I will attempt to make meals out of them. Soon my diet will become 3 granola bars for breakfast and 3 packets of pretzels and a banana for lunch.
In my mind, sitting in a cubicle is comparable to getting sent to the SHU in Orange Is the New Black.
I believe data entry should only be required as a punishment for petty crimes.
Eight times is my limit for answering the phone with the same phrase “Good afternoon, [name of business]”.
On the 10th time it’ll come out “Gort afftin, [nogen dif boogerhaus]”.
11th time [Guzz offenport, [napt eeg bratworz].
And so on..
After a certain amount of time in the phone, I start trying out different dialects. Cockney. Redneck. Slavic. Etc, etc.
I’m too old to paint my nails with liquid paper.
I type at the speed of approximately 10 words a minute. People who have lost all their fingers type faster than me.
When ever I wear business professional attire I feel like a government spy who’s alias is “Mary Lane” and my whole life I’m actually just pretending to be my sassy, hopeless romantic self.
The last time I used Microsoft Word, I asked the paperclip guy for help.
I will use the company copy machine to print out programs for every show my artistic friends are ever involved in.
There are currently 3,345 unread emails in my personal gmail account. No, that is in not an exaggeration. Yes, I’m slightly ashamed.
I will go through post-it notes so fast you’d think they were toilet paper. 90% of post-it note usage will be dedicated to creative inspiration and doodles that have nothing to do with my work.
Is there a name, like “seasonal depression”, for the feelings of hopelessness brought on my sitting at a desk all day? Because what ever that’s called, I’m super susceptible to it.
If my boss asks me to transcribe and type up an ultra sensitive and personal letter, I’ll do it and then blog about it.
Videos of cute animals on Youtube bring me 78% less joy than 96% of others in my gender and age bracket.
None of my close friends are on gchat all hours of the work day.
Routine makes me feel like nothing interesting or exciting will ever happen to me again and like I’m stuck in a perpetual motion machine.
I still get joy from spinning a desk chair around in circles.
None of my work-appropriate clothes will fit after the 15 lbs I gain from being sedentary all day.
Also, I eat when I’m bored.
I don’t want to gain 15 lbs, I don’t want to feel like a freshman in college ever again.
I will get painfully jealous any time someone in the office gets delivered flowers.
If I do not receive a flower delivery on Valentine’s Day and/or my birthday, I will spend more time in the bathroom crying than working that day.
I will be unable to resist an office romance. It will of course end horribly and I’ll be back in the torturous, agonizing, fiery pits of Hell again.
The only time I am detail-oriented is when I’m trying to get every single piece of cat hair off a little black dress.
The only time I am detail-oriented is when I’m trying to get every single piece of cat hair off a little black dress.
I always lose pens. I know this because every month when I need to write a rent check, I can never find a pen. Maybe my cat eats them?
My organizational skills amount to me shoving things in different drawers.
I would rather be chased by rabid dogs, face Antarctica in a bikini, hell, I would rather wait tables than sit at a desk all day.
Thank you for reading. If you liked this post, please consider sharing it. And if you follow me on Twitter @NewYorkCliche or Facebook I’ll ♥ you as much as I ♥ NY!
When was the last time you went on an egg hunt? I imagine you in a frilly Easter dress skipping around your back yard with a basket. I imagine you in a tie you abhor, turned maniacal from all the sugar, galloping around your grandmother’s house, and finding all the eggs before your sister. I imagine you on the quad, high as a kite at 11AM on a Sunday morning, wondering why your RA organizes this shit, and finding your first egg because you -CRUNCH- step on it.
I imagine you, yesterday, walking down Broadway in New York City.
New Yorker’s of all ages are on the world’s biggest egg hunt this April. In one of my favorite public art projects to date, Fabergé sponsored and commissioned world-famous artists and designers to decorate a collection of two-foot tall eggs.
There are 260 eggs in total, hidden through out all of New York City. On display in parks and squares, hidden in boutique shop windows. I went on a hunt through midtown to find some.
Time Warner Center at Columbus Circle
total eggs collected: 12
You’ll find eggs on the inside as well as the outside of this shopping center.
These were my favorites-
Egg #222 by artist Faig AhmedEgg #37 by Nathan Sawaya known as the “Brick Artist” (He’s famous for his Lego sculptures)Egg #188 by Terry Richardson, notorious photographerEgg #139 by artist Paul Wirhun who is known for working with eggshells- the medium he used to make this egg globe
Next I walked to Rockefeller Center. My Big Egg Hunt app wasn’t working. Without it I had no map or clues of how to find eggs! It was truly a hunt! But I knew I would find something at Rockefeller- all the eggs will be gathered there at the end of the hunt April 18-25th and then put up for auction. All proceeds go to charity!
Rockefeller Center
total eggs collected: 19
I wasn’t disappointed, there was a huge collection of eggs at Rockefeller! Nearly 20! Here are my favorites-
Egg #271 by artist Jeff Koons. He is so famous I studied him in Art History 101Egg #203 by designer Ralph Lauren. You know him, you might even have a shirt by him.Egg #167 by artist Tanya Minhaus (yay, finally a woman!)Egg #119 by The Prince’s Drawing School, signed by Prince Charles and Duchess Camilla. 30 Rock in the backdrop.Egg #94 by sculptor Elyn Zimmerman
Aren’t these wonderful works of art? I’ve seen more eggs just on my daily path throughout the city. Have you spotted many? This Easter activity might be even better than the Easter Bonnet Parade. There are even prizes for collecting eggs, so if you like the competitive edge, get all over that.
Learn more at and happy hunting!
Thank you for reading. If you liked this post, please consider sharing it. And if you follow me on Twitter @NewYorkCliche or Facebook I’ll ♥ you as much as I ♥ NY!
Today I am temping, again. On this dreary, rainy New York Friday, sitting at in an office, occasionally answering the phone, and drinking copious amounts of coffee (it’s free, I can’t resist) can get a girl down. Desk jobs and my over active, creative, energetic self don’t get along all that well. The assignment is in midtown, right by Herald Square. When my lunch break came around, I rushed to Macy’s.
Spending the pittance I’m making temping on retail therapy? Not quite. The Macy’s Flower Show is running through Sunday. I wanted to get a glimpse of what they had going on this year.
This is what greeted me as I walked in from the Broadway entrance of Macy’s.
The past two years a tent has gone up in Herald Square that Macy’s loaded full of flowers to a theme. In 2012 the theme was Brazil and I April-fooled my readers into thinking I had gone on a tropical vacation. This year there was no tent. Instead bloom and botanicals invaded the first floor of Macy’s flagship. Only in New York, a company with spend thousands featuring flower installations for two weeks.
The whole department store smelled glorious. It was a little unsettling to see nature and consumerism holding hands, but fun none the less. I was so distracted by the beauty of the flowers, I didn’t even notice the merchandise on sale! “A good thing too!” says my bank account.
A spring flower pick-me-up is better than a macchiato, better than a cookie, better than anything else to get you through a work day. I adore flowers and color. They make me so happy, and camera happy!
My scarf matches the flowers! Yay!
I just got a smart phone, still perfecting the art of the “selfie”.3 is definitely the “selfie” limit, by any common courtesy standard.
If you have some shopping to do this weekend, the Macy’s Flower Show is worth checking out. It will keep me satiated until the Brooklyn Botanical Garden comes into bloom!
So yesterday was April Fools Day. How long did it take you to realize? Everyone got pregnant, some went to jail, many quit their jobs, some landed incredible opportunities. What was the best prank you saw? The internet makes pulling pranks SO easy. With a free pass on April 1st, it’s hard to resist. As someone with a weakness for entertaining and posting my life all over the internet, I knew I had to do something. I considered writing a prank blog post, but it felt wrong- honesty is crucial to everything I write here. Instead, I turned to Facebook- rarely my social network of choice.
Remember I wrote that blog post about how my buddy Walter and I are just friends? That we are never going to end up together like the media, our friends, and cliché expects? No? Then read it here. “Walter” is his pseudonym, he’s better known as Tyson. For 23 hours yesterday, Tyson and I were in a relationship. According to Facebook anyway. We went “Facebook Official” – you know that means it was serious.
Our relationship went live at 12:23AM EST on April 1st.
It was early enough that no one realized it was April Fools Day. Early enough that Facebook time-stamped the event as happening on March 31st. “Do you think anyone will actually fall for this?” I texted Tyson. I doubted anyone would, but figured it would be funny regardless.
Turns out, everyone believed it. I’ve never been “Facebook Official” with anyone before. Yesterday I quickly learned such an announcement gets a huge amount of attention. All morning I was getting comments left and right, even direct messages: “Congratulations!” “So happy for you two!” “He’s cute! You have to tell me the story!” “Blog post. STAT.”
By afternoon, Ty and I were feeling guilty. The people who saw it for the silly prank is was were in the minority. So we decided to make it as obvious as possible that we were fooling around. April fooling around! What followed is what happens when two best friends (who used to perform improv together) attempt to embody and satirize:
The Worst Things Couples Do on Facebook
From the Beginning to the End of a Relationship
The Why-Are-You-Putting-This-For-The-World-To-See?? Status
The This-Should-Be-Sent-As-A-PRIVATE-TEXT Status
The Seriously-No-Body-Cares-But-You Status
The I’m-So-Desperate-to-Prove-My-Love-That-It-Makes-My-Relationship-Suspect Status
The You-Guys-Are-Gross Status
The This-Is-More-PDA-Than-If-You-Were-Making-Out-On-the-Subway Status
The You-Just-Made-Me-Throw-Up-In-My-Mouth Status
By that point, it was really obvious we were fools making fun of the whole thing. Our friends even started to get into the joke.
That’s when we knew we had to break up. In the best worst-possible-most-public-over-sharing-inappropriate way.
He started it.
Like I was gonna stand for that!
Can I get an amen (and a spell-check on “somebody”)?
At this point we needed a musical interlude.
Then moved on as quickly as we began.
We had a good run. It was fun while it lasted. Tyson, I’ll always remember you fondly. As the best April Fools prank partner ever! Yeah, we crack ourselves up, hope we made you laugh too. Nah, that doesn’t mean we should maybe just give it a try at actually being a couple.
Thank you for reading. If you liked this post, please consider sharing it. And if you follow me on Twitter @NewYorkCliche or FacebookI’ll ♥ you as much as I ♥ NY!
The options in New York City are endless. When visiting New York this can be utterly overwhelming. Especially if you are only visiting for a couple days! Kaplan International, a leading provider for English courses has three schools in NYC. They polled 300 of their students asking them for feedback on eight areas of NYC interest.
Then they made a fabulous little videographic compiling the results:
How cute was that? I wish I could make my own adorable videographic as a response, but we’ll just have to settle for a blog post! The results of the survey are about as New York Cliché as you can get. All students polled had studied in NYC for at least four weeks. I’m gonna say it: none of those students know NYC as well as I do. Every thing mentioned in the video is a super popular tourist attraction. As someone who has lived in NYC for almost six years, my answers are sometimes a little different.
1 Favorite tourist attraction
Kaplan says: Times Square
New York Cliché says: Any one who lives in NYC will rant for about five minutes about how much the hate Times Square. It’s crowded as all get out, hard to move through, you’re constantly harassed to buy comedy tickets or take pictures with dirty costumed characters. But it is the #1 tourist destination in the world. If you visit NYC, you will go there. If you are visiting NYC, you should also see a Broadway show- in Times Square, so you can at least do both at the same time.
My favorite tourist attraction, as you know from last week’s post, is the Brooklyn Bridge.
2 Best loved shopping destination
Kaplan says: Soho
New York Cliché says: Soho is amazing if you have money. For all the reasons the video says. If you are like me and your time in NYC is strictly budgeted, I would recommend heading out to Brooklyn and exploring little boutiques and shops along Bedford Avenue. It’s a little hipster, you’ll find shops you can’t get anywhere else, and you’ll get a great taste of Brooklyn (but just one stop on the subway from Manhattan).
3 Favorite park or green space
Kaplan says: Central Park
New York Cliché agrees. You can’t beat Central Park. In the winter, go ice skating. In the summer see some Shakespeare in the Park. Strawberry Fields is great. Just take a walk, it’s one of my favorite activities. In the spring go boating– it’s actually really cheap, just $12 to rent a boat for an hour!
4 Most popular museum or gallery
Kaplan says: The Metropolitan Museum of Art
New York Cliché agrees. It’s the biggest museum in the USA! There is something here for everyone. If you’re not a big museum person, take lots of breaks and I highly encourage going at your own pace. Don’t be afraid to split up from the people you’re with. There’s nothing worse than feeling bored and waiting around for someone who wants to read every little plaque when you yourself aren’t into that.
5 Favorite place to eat out
Kaplan says: Little Italy
New York Cliché says: If you’re visiting the city, Little Italy is one of the more unique dining experiences you are likely to find. Does it have the best restaurants in NYC? No. But the neighborhood itself is an experience, picking a restaurant amongst so many persuasive maitre d’ is entirely unique. Don’t get me wrong, the food is great, but even more so the environment.
I’d also recommend trying this super fun Indian restaurant in the East Village! Click the image for more info.
6 Best loved on or off-Broadway musical
Kaplan says: The Lion King
New York Cliché says: Seeing The Lion King is pretty fool-proof. Even your dad who you have to drag to the theater will likely enjoy this show. It is unlike anything else, unlike any other show, and it is magical and breath-taking. The show I love most on Broadway right now is Cabaret. It is dark, sexy, and stars the incredible Alan Cumming. I saw the first preview just this past Friday and was enthralled.
7 Most popular music venue
Kaplan says: Madison Square Garden
New York Cliché says: I much prefer smaller, more intimate spaces. What’s great is NYC has so many. Honestly, I hate the arena atmosphere of MSG. Joe’s Pub is incredibly intimate, and though you may not have heard of the performers, they always put on a stellar show. Rockwood Music Hall is most likely where I would take someone visiting the city. There is live music every night, the line ups are eclectic, but I always have a good time when I go to this space and often there isn’t even a cover.
8 Favorite area for night life
Kaplan says: Meatpacking District
New York Cliché says: Meatpacking is infamous for girls in teeny tiny skirts and sky high heels. In the middle of January. On a Saturday night, there’s a chance you’ll get turned away by a bouncer for not being the look they want. Most local New Yorkers prefer the Lower East Side for night life. The scene is more chill, you are much more likely to find some killer live music, and ass-revealing ensembles are not the norm.
How do your opinions mesh with mine and with that of the average Kaplan student? If you’re thinking of visiting NYC, was this post helpful?