Weekly New York Minutes #7

Every Friday I feature some fleeting moments from my week that made me stop and think, “I’m so lucky to live in NYC!” Here we go for the week we finally got out of February…Passing a bodega with BRANCHES of flowers in a bucket, thrusting my camera in the middle of them, and pretending it actually is spring, not just freakishly warm out some days.

Seeing actual signs of spring on Park Avenue! How resilient is this little tulip shoot? The sad thing is it probably won’t last the weekend – it’s been sleeting all day- and even if it does, landscapers might dig him out to plant tulips so they’re perfectly uniform. But maybe it’ll beat all odds and make it to spring! I’m rooting for you little guy!

Admiring Pantsuit Nation art in all the colors of the rainbow on a Lower East Side wall. “Whether you’re putting on an imaginary pantsuit or a real one, it’s a form of contemporary armor,” says artist Eleonora-Arosio. I feel the same way about red lipstick.

Seeing a brilliant original show about a subject you’d never expect to see a play about – tentacle porn! I’m not kidding! TENTACLES, written and performed by the hilarious and fearless Tessa Flannery, is a tongue-in-cheek feminist exploration of Tentacle Porn. I went in having NO idea what to expect. I was thoroughly entertained, even enlightened. It is a piece that is unexpected but ever so appropriate in the current political climate. Yes, I’m calling a play about porn APPROPRIATE! Doesn’t that make it a must-see? If you are at all intrigued, check it out at the Estrogenius Fest March 10 and 15. [Photo credit: Jody Christopherson]

Making friends with a neighbor! The New York cliché is New Yorkers never even say hello to people who live next door. But furry neighbors?  All over it. My neighborhood in Brooklyn has a sizable number of indoor/outdoor cats, unheard of in Manhattan.

Standing in back of this trio on 23rd Street. I immediately knew what their deal was – these masks are given to everyone who sees the immersive theatre piece Sleep No More. But I stood behind them on the street giggling, thinking of the clueless passers by thinking they were part of some freaky white-mask cult!

It was kinda rough week for me, no surprise. I’m glad I force myself to look back and think about moments of brightness.

How was your week? What were your favorite minutes of it?



About New York Cliche

NYC lifestyle blog by Mary Lane. Events, adventures, epic mistakes, dating, life, humor. A 30-something trying to make it (and make out) in the city of dreams.

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