Saturday Street Art: Open to Interpretation at a Screenprint Warehouse in LIC

In NYC, you never know when you’ll turn a corner and walk into an outdoor gallery of street art.

But unlike an art gallery, there are no little blurbs next to the paintings. Instagram has made it much easier to identify artists, many sign their walls with Instagram handles.

Art signed by @bboybsolo, artist BenK

However, this is by no means universal! Many artists do not sign their work. Or maybe they do but my eyes aren’t sharp enough to spot the subtle signatures?

I’m definitely not street or insider enough to understand the art and language of tagging… Alas, I’m just a cliché NYC blogger who often does a reverse Google image search to identify an artist. A search which often comes up empty with no answers!

There are no explanations of artist intent out here on the streets.

I’m dying to know the story behind the below work, but my internet searches came up empty.

That’s part of the joy of street art, isn’t it?

Walls are blank canvases and the art that fills them are a blank canvas for the viewer’s interpretations.

All the art in this post is from one building in Long Island City that appears to be a screen printing warehouse. Find it at 44th Rd and 21st Street in Queens

Wall signed by @serringe


About New York Cliche

NYC lifestyle blog by Mary Lane. Events, adventures, epic mistakes, dating, life, humor. A 30-something trying to make it (and make out) in the city of dreams.

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