Weekly New York Minutes #15

Every Friday I feature some fleeting moments from my week that made me stop and think, “I’m so lucky to live in NYC!” And maybe some others that made me think, “Bahaha this city is ridiculous and I love it.” Here we go for the last of April (time flies!!)…

Crashing a street performance in Columbus Circle! I first saw these ballet dancers in 2012 and was dazzled by them, and totally clueless that they’re actually paid performers! They dance for a bus tour called The Ride. I’ve seen them a handful of times since and they make me smile every time!

Looking up and seeing the entire cast of Downton Abbey looming above me! This exclusive Downton Abbey The Exhibition is on 57th and 6th. I don’t exactly have any desire to see it, as I stopped watching after…a certain death. I still recognized all the characters in the windows! If you’re a big fan of the show, it absolutely looks worth checking out!

I went for a walk on my lunch break on one of the beautiful sunny days. Walking to the eastern edge of Manhattan, I discovered the United Nations Headquarters, which takes up multiple city blocks from 42nd to 48th Street. There’s a large lawn that surrounds it with many sculptures in the 48th Street corner. You can’t get close to any of the statues, they’re all behind bars. The bars enhanced this life-like elephant statue, though. I felt like I was in a zoo and he was just asleep!

Some of my best friends were in town this week for work! Which meant they were incredibly busy. But we all found 30 minutes to meet for lunch in Columbus Circle (no ballerinas this time). I had an hour for lunch and biked like a maniac for 15 minutes to get there, hung out for 30 minutes with my besties, and biked 15 minutes back! Totally worth it!!

Speaking of biking, I’ve been bike so much now that it’s spring! It really makes me happy, and is the fastest was to get across town, guaranteed! Broadway even has a decent bike lane so you’re not in the middle of crazy cab drivers.

Those were nice little moments of my week! How was yours?



About New York Cliche

NYC lifestyle blog by Mary Lane. Events, adventures, epic mistakes, dating, life, humor. A 30-something trying to make it (and make out) in the city of dreams.

2 thoughts on “Weekly New York Minutes #15

  1. I really wanted to like Downton Abbey but I just couldn’t get into it. I know, I must be the only person in the world! I totally agree with the comment above, I love how you see the beauty and happiness in the things around you every day! Nikki xx
    Nikki recently posted…Beijing Moments #1My Profile

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