I spent my weekend being told I look like Taylor Swift.
A six year old girl pointed at me and said to her mom, “She looks exactly like her!”
A security guard said, “You’re been freaking me out. I thought you were Taylor Swift. Tell me you’re her sister or something.”
A man on an escalator yelled, “OMG IT’S TAYLOR SWIFT!” while his date look mortified.
A teenage girl saw me, shrieked, and started waving frantically. I looked behind me, thinking she was waving at a friend. There was no one behind me. I looked back at her and she was completely changed, pretending like nothing ever happened. My only explanation is she thought I was Taylor Swift.
So. Weird. I mean, I do write blog posts about being a better “ambassador to New York” than her and about how she saved my New Years! But I don’t actually look like Taylor Swift!
This weekend I realized my resemblance to Taylor Swift is borderline freakish. I should probably start a side-hustle as a Taylor Swift impersonator at Bat Mizvhas.
This realization occurred at her 1989 World Tour stop in New Jersey. (Yeah, the ambassador to New York doesn’t have a stop on her world tour in the actual city. Don’t get me started.) It was quite the scene!
Taylor Swift 1989 Tour fans (“Swifties”)

Like Comic Con with a Taylor Swift theme! Thousands of people arrived dressed up in costumes they’d made. Homages to Swift lyric, characters from her music videos, or just decked out in cat clothing. Taylor loves cats. (Just like me. Shit.)

At first glance, it was easy to think, “Why are all these girls dressing up? This is so weird!” but after talking to some of the girls, I realized how cool it is. Inspiring creativity and art? Fucking awesome. Taylor, I’m impressed, way to go.
Some people balk at her being a positive roll model for kids, but this sold me. Then she came out on stage in some pretty skimpy outfits, I thought about changing my mind. But no. I’m still sold. She’s doing some really great things for young girls.
I never had a celebrity I worshipped. I never screamed with passion for someone and felt like my heart was going to burst I was so excited. And at 29, I’m pretty sure I never will. It makes me a little sad! Sure, it’s kinda annoying to see teens go nuts, but it’s also kinda cool.
Say what you will about Taylor Swift, girl puts on a great show. And she works the shit out of her connections. The Weeknd came out as a surprise guest performance. Then during the song “Bad Blood” she entire cast of her music video (which she made to feature her best girlfriends, well, her best celebrity and primarily super model girlfriends) strutted on stage with her. STILL not enough- the U.S. Woman’s Soccer Team, freaking World Cup champions, came out on stage with her! They were in NYC for the parade, but Taylor got them on her stage. It was more GIRL POWER than anyone’s seen since the Spice Girls. IT WAS AWESOME.
Taylor Swift 1989 Tour Concert!

I had a great time. I mean, I don’t know if I’d recommend spending hundreds of dollars on a ticket. I certainly wouldn’t recommend you bring a child under age 8 (there were plenty of younger kids). But if you can score free entry like I did, YOU HAVE to go next time she’s in town. Or at a city near you.

Ah were you working it? I wanted to work it here (well, until it downpoured with 60 mph winds!), but I couldn’t find anything. I love her as a person, I’m impartial to her music.
Lucky girl free tix! It sounds like it was a great show, even though it wasn’t in New York. She definitely went all out with the show from the sound of it. I saw pictures of her outfits and yes she is showing a lot of skin these days, really feeling herself.
Trudy recently posted…The Last Manhattanhenge Weekend of 2015
Oh wow, free tix?! JEALOUS!
I’m ok with her wearing skimpy outfits. I’m kinda in the camp that girls should be dressing how they feel comfortable and boys having to learn not to be yucky with them when they do. She’s certainly breaking boundaries in popular culture and that’s really awesome.
My little sister is also FOREVER getting told she looks like Tay-S. She’s about the same likeness level as you, I’d say. But she certainly stays away from red lipstick because of it…
Charlotte recently posted…A Trip to Brighton
so jealous!
but I’m very like Taylor Swift, love you so much!
Thanks god I can singing with other fans at he taylor swift 1989 tour