My head is in the clouds.
The literal: big blue aluminum pieces of public art
The figurative: the potential for my little corner of cyber space
Olaf Breuning and the Public Art Fund have a joyful work of art that is on display through August 24. You can find it at the south-east corner of Central Park.
I have this blog. You’re reading it. Come this May, it will have existed for six years. I want to do more with it. I feel like I have so much potential here, I’m struggling to maximize it. Amazingly my blog host, Wordpress is offering help. Today is the first day of a two-week blogging challenge.
Right out of the gate, I’m challenged to come up with 3 specific goals for my blog.
Now, I’m about the least goal-oriented person you’ll ever meet. I used to say- “That’s just how I am!” But floundering around with out goals hasn’t left me accomplishing much. So I let my mind drift up into the clouds, resisted the urge to belt out “Corner of the Sky” from Pippin, and thought about my goals.
Spring/Summer 2014 Edition
1. Post a minimum of three times a week, with the ultimate goal of five times a week. That’s a lot, I know. I think consistency is what is really holding me back from reaching the next level with my little blog here. To achieve this goal, I can’t write 1,000 word posts every day. I need to branch out. Maybe perhaps you noticed- I’ve been testing the waters. I’ve started writing more about New York events and sights. I’ve tried writing list posts. I’m still afraid to write a post that’s under 300 words. Why? I dunno! It’s not my style! But I need to try it. Maybe even try one that’s just a picture. I’ve been thinking about trying some fashion posts- the goal is to just do it, and stop thinking about it so much! I’ll be forced to do that if I increase my output. Don’t worry, I won’t forsake quantity for quality. The goal is a balance.
2. Reply to all comments I receive. I am so bad at this. There’s no excuse! I love is so much when you guys comment, so why the hell don’t I SHOW you that by replying? I will get over worries of redundancy or lack of anything to say. A simple “Thanks!” is so much better than nothing- duh. If I just devote 10 minutes a day to commenting- success. It’s almost too easy. I want to encourage more discussion and community- this seems like the obvious, simple but huge, way to do that.
3. Reach out to brands and other bloggers. I want to reach out to other bloggers to guest post on my blog. I need to reach out to bloggers I like and guest post on their sites. 1 of each per month. PR people have begun contacting me asking me to write about events and products. It’s time for me to start reaching out to them. It’s becoming clear this blog is a commodity. Which is exciting! I think I’m ready to take it to the next level. I’m dedicated to this.
I figure if I share them, I’ll be held more accountable. So far so good for #1 already! This is not the kind of post I’d usually write. I judge myself very harshly on what is “blog worthy” and end up never writing about plenty of things I could/should have. Isn’t that ridiculous? Unless you hated reading this post. In which case, let me know in a comment which I will reply to, as per goal #2!
Do you think these are worthy goals? Realistic? Any advice for accomplishing them? Thank you so much for reading, your support, and I hope you’ll stand by me as I try make New York Cliché the best little blog I can! And if you’re near Central Park, go get lost in Olaf’s clouds. More info from Vogue:
Stopped on over from the WP challenge. I totally a fan already! can’t wait to read more.
Good Luck on with the WP Challenge!
thanks so much! Good luck to you too- we’ll get through it together!
I have to say, I really like it when you blog about all the random stuff you see going on in the city because honestly? I wouldn’t have known about those Easter Eggs if you hadn’t said something….
And this just made it worth it to post about any NYC event, AWESOME! Thanks for telling me! Wasn’t the Big Egg Hunt the best? I think they all move to Rockefeller Center tomorrow!
I love these goals and I need to get on board with something similar. Good luck!
thanks! I would highly recommend feeling forced to write down a goal or two- makes you think, focus, and will probably bring up some things you hadn’t previously realized!
Hey, I think your goals are very achievable! I love your blog layout btw, very simple and elegant! I wish mine could be like that but alas no! I want side widgets! Let me go through your blog now!
did you change your theme? looks like you got those side widgets! I love side widgets
thanks for your kind words and good luck with your goals too!
Thanks! I’m still struggling revamp the theme.
Those are great goals, very similar to what I am trying to do. I am a fresh blogger, just started two months ago, and had an idea of what I’d like to do from the start. Mondays are for my Photography, Tuesdays are for my Poetry, Wednesdays are for my Short stories courtesy of Friday Fictioneers challenge and Thursdays are for anything that pops up – quotes of my favorite people, posts about historical figures or art pieces. I reply to every singe comment for few reasons: first – there are not to many :), second – I really appreciate when people stop by and say something about my work, third – it is a great way to build your relationships within blog community.
Love your blog, it shows me the side of NY that I wouldn’t get to know. Keep up the good work.
Hey Loré- you make such great points about how important replying to comments is. It’s very encouraging, as it’s something I struggle with! Nice themes for each day of the week, very structured, I’m sure your readers will love that. Good luck with your goals and thanks for stopping by!
Great goals and very achievable! I was just like you a couple of months ago. I wrote out my goals knowing once I pressed Publish, I would feel the need to achieve. People read that post and immediately started contacting me with ways to achieve my goals and getting me in touch with all the right people. It gives you so much hope when you start seeing responses. Good luck!
This might be cliche but Have you thought of doing an alphabet series e.g. A for Amateur Acting, in order inspire/keep the momentum going? You don’t have to keep to it in successive blogs but just an idea I saw from my friend’s bog