1. Having roommates way past your college years.
2. Spending a significant percentage of your salary on rent (despite having roommates).
3. Seeing a cockroach or mouse in your clean, expensive apartment.
4. Paying $1 for quality pizza.

5. Having food options from all over the world within short walking distance for your apartment, but still ordering delivery from Chipotle.
6. The ability to get anything (anything!) delivered at any hour of the day or night.
7. Not having a car, or even a driver’s license.

8. Getting !@*$&* pissed if it takes more than 5 minutes to hail a taxi.
9. Using slashes to describe your career (Blogger/Actor/Admin).
10. Looking out your apartment window and seeing a sex act.

11. Never talking to your neighbors, but hearing intimate parts of their lives through thin walls.
12. Fake monks.
13. Seeing two Starbucks on the same city block.
14. Getting yelled at by other customers if you don’t order your coffee (or lunch) fast enough.

15. Not getting married ’til your thirties (or later).
16. Seeing families with children on the subway at 2AM.
17. Seeing incredible art when just walking down the street.

18. Being completely overwhelmed by the staggering number of options for amazing things to do – on a Tuesday night.
19. Dropping off your underwear at the laundromat for someone else to wash.
20. Having a 24-hour bodega (or 2!) down the block that’s always there for you when you need emergency of tampons, Triscuits, or beer.
21. Paying $22 dollars for a half-decent cocktail.

22. Hearing multiple languages while standing on the subway platform.
23. Squeezing yourself onto a rush-hour train that is so crowded, all your bits are smooshed against strangers.
24. Making a six-figure salary and still smooshing yourself onto public transportation.
25. Making a six-figure salary a still feeling very much middle class.

26. Completely stonewalling strangers who approach you on the street to ask if you like to laugh.
27. Crying in public.
28. Public urination at any hour of the day or night.
29. Getting a real kick out of mocking New Jersey.

No doubt this list could continue on for 29(thousand) more -comment below with what I left out! And let me know if you laughed along with this New York cliché based collection, or think it’s more WRONG than standing on the left side of the escalator. Thanks for reading!
Haha great list! Anywhere else they think you’re crazy to be single at 38. In nYc it’s the norm!
Lmao, you are almost describing Naples Fla minus the subway, sexacts, 6 figures nothing here, just poor, no pizza for a dollar, big bucks for a decent pizza and that’s few and far between. Almost everyone here has to have a roomate unless your here on retired status. Booze 24/7 . You want to stay away from 5th Ave unless you got big bank. Been here for a while just because I inherited my moms place, ready to come back to ct.
Going to a Spanish Bakery and having a Biscocho de leche. Delicious. New York City is home to the best Spanish bakeries in the world.
A resounding YES to your point on dollar pizza!
RE: No. 20: Many moons ago, I offered a certain young women a ride to the cast party of show we were both involved with. Shortly after we arrived she discovered that she was desperately in need of tampons. It was a dodgy neighborhood so she asked me to accompany her to the nearest bodega. It was more like 11 p.m. than 2 a.m., but still, it was the ONLY place open that late. My gallantry initially went unrewarded; back at the party she got to talking with another guy and left me to fend for myself. Fast forward: We got married 11 months later.
I happen to like Chipotle! 🤣🤣 I don’t drink now but when I did, I would never pay that much for one That’s what happy hours are for, I’m way too cheap for that And I can’t hand out my underwear for anyone to wash.!i don’t need to know anyone that well