Way back when (read: May 2019 – so honestly not that long ago, but…I’m my harshest critic…anyway) every Friday on the blog I would feature New York Weekly Minutes. Fleeting moments from my week that made me stop and think, “I’m so lucky to live in NYC!” or, “Bahaha this city is ridiculous and I love it.” It’s that back-to-school time, which always brings a burst of productivity. So here I am, trying to get back into the swing of blogging things wit some minutes from the past week(s).

Outdoor Yoga on the LIC Waterfront
Outdoor yoga is a joyful idea in theory and in photographs it’s absolutely FOMO inducing. But I was there, on this grass in this moment of NAMASTE under the sweltering New York City sun and WHEW was it grueling! Borderline brutal! If you can’t resist a drenched downward dog with a view, the LIC Waterfront hosts FREE yoga every Saturday at 10AM – go on a cloudy Saturday, or find a sunset option!

The Little Corn Stalk That Could
Outside an apartment complex in Queens, I spotted this random cornstalk that is absolutely thriving. It made my day. I’m ready to re-write every Pinterest #motivationalquote to be about this Cornstalk Queen of Queens. Be the cornstalk in a world a shrubbery! Don’t let the shrubs keep you from reaching for the sun! If you’re the one corn kernel in a sea of mulch from Home Depot, know that one day, you’ll rise far above them all!

Brooklyn Van Art
Street art is just so much better in Brooklyn. My new favorite thing is taking my own little bike tours (my recent Montauk adventure inspired this!) around Brooklyn and just enjoying the street art and exercise. I break for thrift shops! If you want more painted vans like this, check out: The One and Only Bright Side to New York City Traffic

Bedford Ave Guerilla Lending Library
I love running across these little lending libraries in NYC- I’ve featured others in NY Minute posts in the past. This one on Bedford Avenue didn’t have much of a selection on a Sunday afternoon, but it does have a solar panel! Not sure what the panel powers…but the fact that it’s there is sooooo Brooklyn.

Doggy Bag on the Subway
Puppies on trains: always a favorite minute, almost make the MTA not suck (for a minute).
Those are some fun moments from the last week (or two). How’s your summer been? Do you get that back-to-school motivation this time of year? Thanks for sticking with me through think and thin!
Awesome minutes! I too love NYC. There is serendipity around every corner.
I think the cornstalk was my favorite.
I love the little cornstalk!
I’ve definitely been feeling the late summer back-to-school feeling. It’s making me want to do something new and leave my dull day job behind!
The summer has flown by. Too quickly! I hope you’ve had a good one