There’s nothing quite like sitting in front of a laptop, a blank page staring you in the face, and the feeling of fuck-I’ve-been-a-terrible-blogger flashing all around you. My desk is 42nd Street and my negative thoughts are like the billboards of Time Square, blinking “TWO MONTHS OF NEGLECT!!!!!” and “GOOD LUCK BOUNCING BACK, LOSER” in bright, neon colors. It makes it far easier to snap shut the laptop and the feelings, ignore it all. I worked in Times Square for several years after all, I mastered the art of shutting that overwhelming shit out.

It’s the oldest blogger cliché in the book world wide web: “Sorry it’s been so long since my last post!”
So what have I been up to since my last post?
1. Well, lots of Christmas stuff, but that’s ancient news now that it’s mid January.

2. I went to San Francisco to see my folks! (Because there’s no place like home for the holidays.)

This is the view from the roof of my childhood home, that’s the Gold Gate Bridge!
3. Caught some California beach time with my bestie.

As you can see by our outfits, it’s not exactly warm even in San Francisco this time of year…but still pretty great compared to frigid NYC.
4. Saw some weird shit on the city streets.

You all know how much I love finding bizarre, random sights on these city streets. HOW WEIRD are these heads!?

Flowery garbage! A new trend for spring?
5. Still haven’t found a therapist…
But I’m working on it and not feeling discouraged. A huge thank you to everyone who reached out to me about my struggle here. It meant a lot to me. From where I’m standing (sitting) right now, I actually am doing better.
6. As I’m no longer focusing on acting these days, I tried out a new kind of performing art…

On head rush later, swiftly decided SHOWTIME! dancing isn’t for me. (If you ever find yourself in an empty train car….don’t pass up the opportunity.)
It’s a whole new year since my last post!

A perfect time for fresh starts. Well, no. The perfect time would have been January 1st. But this blog has never been, and will never be perfect. That would be boring AF. So here I am, January 14th, proclaiming NEW YEAR, NEW YORK CLICHÉ.

For some of you…it’s actually been much longer since my last post.
My email list shut down in September, during the month-long craziness of my move to Queens, and I just couldn’t handle the technical thinking required to get it back up. Until now! Finally! Hello amazing subscribers I love and adore! I am so, so, so sorry I neglected you. Here are a couple posts you can binge out on if you missed me. Really, I’m just so happy to be back in your inbox.
It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year But I Feel Anything But Wonderful
What I Learned From One Entire Year Of Daily Blogging
The Mile-Long Opera Performance: One Thousand Singers On NYC’s High Line
25 Adorably Costumed Doggos From The Tompkins Square Halloween Dog Parade 2018
If you want a complete and total binge: check out the full list in my archives.

I’m back on the blog wagon friends (this mythical wagon looks exactly like the SeaGlass Carousel in Downtown Manhattan, FYI.)
Now that my email list is back, I can encourage all who haven’t to please subscribe! Type in your email into the box on my side bar and you will receive an email every time I publish a post. That’s it! No spam ever, nothing but pure New York Cliché blog posts. Not your thing? No worries! I’m hoping to post (most) Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays going forward. Hope to see you around.
Thanks for sticking with me. If you have any content you’d love to see from me- let me know! My New Years resolution, btw, is to get better at responding to comments!
I was worried that the move last fall was overwhelming to you when you disappeared from my inbox after you moved! I really missed you and your posts, they brighten my Oregon week! Glad you are back and keeping the NY faith. Love hearing from you!
Glad you are taking care of yourself. Always look forward to your blogs. Wishing you the best in this New Year!
Welcome back, Mary! You were sorely missed. Looking forward to your hilarious posts!
First of all welcome back. Don’t feel bad for taking a break. A trip home and spending time with loved ones without blogging deadlines was probably something you needed. I have no doubt that you will dive back into it once you find something to inspire you to write again. I’m sure that there is something right around the corner. There is so much to see and do in New York compared to my rural corner of the world, not that I would swap. I’m happy where I am but love visiting New York through your posts.
Welcome back lady, and happy new year! Glad you’re in a better space, but I know too well it can be hard to stay there so keep looking after yourself. As for content, keep doing you, it’s wgy we all keep coming back.
Nikki x
I was so incredibly happy to find you in my inbox this morning!! I am so glad you are being open about your struggle, please know you can reach out whenever and I hope you find the perfect therepist! And I love your posts, whenever and however they show up.
Wow. Your voices are as bad as mine. Is it because we are brilliant and sensitive? Yeah, that’s it. That’s what I’m going with.
Welcome back to your blog! I recently heard someone refer to this year at Twenty SHINE teen! It’s the cheesiest ever and I am going to EMBRACE IT. MWAH!