Street Art Tuesday: The East Village House That Makes My Imagination Run Wild

Unlike my home town, New York City is not known for colorful buildings. When I found an exception to that rule in the East Village, it made me happy.

I can’t quite figure this building out. The above part is clearly residential. The out-of-this-world street art ground floor? Hard to say, but it sure looks cool.

Dirt Cobain East Village Street Art

Walk further down the block and I saw the side said “u get me so high”. 

I’d like to think someone really funky lives here. Imagine they made millions off a one-hit-wonder or performance art career back when performance art had its moment. They bought this house back when the East Village was how it’s portrayed in the musical RENT. Their mid-life crisis wasn’t a flashy red car or a torrid affair. It was commissioning Dirt Cobain to paint their house.

Colorful buildings set my imagination into high gear. Let’s pretend that’s what “u get me so high” is in reference to…


About New York Cliche

NYC lifestyle blog by Mary Lane. Events, adventures, epic mistakes, dating, life, humor. A 30-something trying to make it (and make out) in the city of dreams.

One thought on “Street Art Tuesday: The East Village House That Makes My Imagination Run Wild

  1. I completely agree with you that New York City isn’t typically known for its colorful buildings, which is why stumbling upon this gem in the East Village must have been such a treat. The combination of the residential upper floors and the eye-catching street art on the ground floor is definitely unique and makes me wonder about the story behind the building.

    Your imagination about the funky owner of this building is so vivid and engaging. It’s fascinating to think about someone who made their fortune through a one-hit-wonder or performance art career and used that success to commission such an incredible piece of street art.

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