27 Ways to F***ing Piss Off Rude New Yorkers

One of the biggest New York clichés is that New Yorkers are rude. We have a world-wide reputation for kinda being assholes. Like most clichés, there’s plenty of truth in this one! Many people visit New York and are shocked by how friendly and helpful people are. Some even seem disappointed we don’t live up to the stereotype…

Is your trip to NYC not complete until you see an iconic RUDE NEW YORKER? Here are 27 *guaranteed* ways to piss off all inhabitants of NYC!

1. Stand on the left side of the escalator.

2. Block the subway doors from closing. Especially at rush hour. Especially when you hold them open for your entire extended family who descending the stairs in slow motion.

3. Hold up our morning coffee line. 

4. Spill anything on us. 

5. Steal our taxi. 

6. Steal our cell phone. It happened to yours truly, and instead of yelling “HELP!” or “HE STOLE MY PHONE”, I screamed FUCK!!! YOU!!!!

7. Ask us if we have any spare change. 

8. Ask us if we have a minute to talk about the environment. 

9. Ask us if we like to laugh.

10. Sit in the front row of our stand-up comedy show.

11. Be oblivious to the fact that THERE IS A LINE. EXCUSE ME. 

12. Walk in the bike lane. Cue yours truly screaming, THIS IS A BIKE LANE.

13. Bike the wrong way down a street.

14. Bike on the sidewalk.


15. Bike anywhere, really. 

16. Stop in the middle of the sidewalk, blocking pedestrian flow, to take a photo.

17. Make us miss our train/bus/plane.

18. Keep your cellphone on during a live performance.

19.  Run out of free samples

20. Try to get us to take a flyer. 

21. Fail to pick up after your pet.

22. Heavy petting on a street corner. 


23. Fuck up our take out order. 

24. Wear a Make America Great Again hat.

25. Scam us.




26. Keep sitting when we are visibly pregnant and standing right in front of you on the subway.

27. Keep standing on the left side of the escalator, YOU FUCKING DUMBASS.

Are you a rude New Yorker? What makes you the rudest? What did I leave off the list? When you first visited NYC, were you expecting this stereotype?


About New York Cliche

NYC lifestyle blog by Mary Lane. Events, adventures, epic mistakes, dating, life, humor. A 30-something trying to make it (and make out) in the city of dreams.

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