On the Streets with March for Our Lives in NYC

On Saturday March 24, crowds people all over the world took to the streets. What do we want? GUN CONTROL! When do we want it? Oh, about 19 years ago but since we don’t have time machines- NOW! We turned out in droves to voice the somehow controversial conviction that human lives are more important than American gun rights.

New York City March for Our Lives

The NYC march went down the west side of Central Park to 6th Avenue down to Bryant Park. The group was incredibly diverse – people of all ages, colors, and creeds. We held signs and chanted as we marched under the sunny sky.

Because of his real estate empire, Trump is always a physical presence in NYC. The 30 block march passed 2 of his hotel properties, offering the perfect opportunity for protestors to yell their anger at the golden signs baring his name. There were many one finger salutes as well.

It’s been amazing to see teens fighting for change and children showing up with heartbreaking signs. You could feel the anger, the determination, and hope all amplified on the city streets.

Columbine happened when I was in 7th grade. I was a pretty sheltered kid and had no understanding of it until much later. I remember doing one “lock down drill” in high school and thinking it was silly, not a real threat like the earthquake drills we had fairly frequently in San Francisco public schools. That’s how old I am. Kids can’t be that naive and carefree now in 2018 – it’s too dangerous. It’s sickening.

In the after math of these tragedies (and they happen daily now) there’s always anger and sadness, thoughts and prayers. Always hope too – maybe this is the last straw, maybe something more than thoughts and prayers finally. The sadness and hope usually fade quickly with the news cycle. On Saturday though, this March for Our Lives was filled with so much hope. Is there anything more hopeful or brave than the strength and power of the Parkland survivors? I don’t think so.


About New York Cliche

NYC lifestyle blog by Mary Lane. Events, adventures, epic mistakes, dating, life, humor. A 30-something trying to make it (and make out) in the city of dreams.

3 thoughts on “On the Streets with March for Our Lives in NYC

  1. Love these daily posts from you, Mary! I read them every day and get so much joy and inspiration. This one about the March for our Lives really touched me. Today I will DO something about gun control because of you.

  2. I’d also like to add that parents / caretakers take a good look at the behavior your ward or child is exhibiting. If you suspect mental illness or any type of dysfunction or anything outside of normal teenage activity, please say something and get help fast. Take off the blinders and pay attention to your children, their friends and their actions.

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