The MoMA is one of my all-time favorite New York City museums. Yeah, me and every other New Yorker. Plus every tourist, school group, and retiree in the tri-state area. If you’ve been to the Museum of Modern Art recently, you get what I’m saying: it is one of NYC’s most popular cultural attractions. Go on a Friday evening when the museum offers free admission and you might mistake the museum lobby for the 4 train at rush hour. van Gogh’s Starry Night masterpiece gets hard to see amid the steady stream of people who simply must get a photo for the ‘gram.
Have I painted a clear picture of the crowds this museum attracts? Good. I was setting the stage to blow your mind.
Because here I am on my last visit to the MoMA:

Yep, just me hanging out with Picasso’s Women of Algiers AND NO ONE ELSE.

Skipping through the MoMA’s permanent collection with the exuberance and wild abandon of Matisse’s dancers because I practically have the place all to myself!

It is hard to describe how magical it was to take in the full effect of Water Lilies by Claude Monet. To see every single panel all at once, without anyone’s head or audio tour device obstructing my view. Incredible.

Ok! Ok! I hear you say. Stop bragging about your exclusive, private tour of the MoMA that you probably got because your adorable friend from college works there!
While it is true that I have an adorable friend from college who works at the MoMA (hi Melissa!), she had nothing to do with this visit. No.
I am bragging about my private moments with these genius works of art because this experience is open to anyone!
Well, anyone who is, or can pretend to be, a morning person.
Quiet Mornings at the MoMA

The first Wednesday of every month, the MoMA opens its doors to the public at 7:30AM. This event is called Quiet Mornings and it is my new favorite way to start the day. Tickets are $15 dollars (regular admission is $25) and limited galleries are open for viewing.

At 8:30AM, a guided meditation takes place in the lobby looking out onto the sculpture garden.

It all finishes up before 9AM. I left with a unencumbered, clear mind, feeling inspired, and wanting more. There was no question I’d be back next month and make every effort to be on time rather than my typical 10 minutes late! Yes, this event was so rewarding, it made me want to be punctual!
Shudder. Early. Quiet. Modern art. There is not a part of this that appeals to me. Enjoy.
What a great find! Thanks for discovering and sharing.