Weekly New York Minutes #29

Every Friday I feature some fleeting moments from my week that made me stop and think, “I’m so lucky to live in NYC!” And maybe some that made me think, “Bahaha this city is ridiculous and I love it.” Here we go for this heat wave last week of August…

Lying on the grass of the Bryant Park lawn, I looked up and saw a bearded man in white. He was standing there alone, looking vaguely lost, awkward, and…priestly. Huh. The funny thing is, in New York City it’s difficult to know if he’s a legit man-of-the-cloth, a Star Wars fanatic, or an actor shooting a comedy sketch! What do you think?

Walking to the subway one morning, listening to my new favorite podcast Ear Hustle (which, as I mentioned in yesterday’s post,  is all about life in prison), I saw this bear behind bars! The strange sync of my sights with my sounds was surreal. And yes, I did think of rescuing him and taking him home. But the New York cliché threat of bed bugs is too real!

This squirrel, my new neighbor, was more over the heat wave than any other New Yorker I saw this week. We shared a moment of “Ugh, how are we going to make it through this week?” on Wednesday morning.

I stumbled across this sexy, body positive lady under the High Line and then proceeded to walk all over her.


Since moving out of Manhattan almost exactly a year ago, I’ve spent very little time in Central Park this summer. It was amazing to remedy that over the weekend, with 3 of my best friends, two of whom I lived with in my very first Manhattan apartment back in 2009. We reminisced about those good old days…back when we found the best NYC real estate deal ever: $785 each for a tiny three bedroom, 4 blocks from Central Park on West 64th Street. Hard to fathom that rent now, eh?

Those are fun moments from my week! How was yours?
Have an amazing holiday weekend all, I’m going camping upstate! I’ll be back on Tuesday with more New York City life.

About New York Cliche

NYC lifestyle blog by Mary Lane. Events, adventures, epic mistakes, dating, life, humor. A 30-something trying to make it (and make out) in the city of dreams.

2 thoughts on “Weekly New York Minutes #29

  1. It’s so nice that you had a little catch up with your friends in the park. It was lovely to meet your new squirrel friend, he seems cute. Rent is so crazy expensive, even thinking about how good that deal was, it would still be pricey if we weren’t talking about Manhattan. Have a great weekend camping x


  2. I went to NYC a few weeks ago, and the heat was overwhelming; I had to shower at least two or three times a day, and I spent half my food budget on bottled water. But all the delights that NYC has to offer made up for it. 🙂

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