12 Types of New York City Tourists

Tourist Season is now in full swing in New York City. It’s always fun to see people experience what’s my every day with fresh, appreciative eyes! Tourists are as ripe for people watching as any of the 8 million in NYC. New Yorkers get really good at spotting them, it’s kind of a fun urban scavenger hunt. Here are my observations on the types who visit:

1. The Dreamer

Obsessed with New York City, the Dreamer probably (secretly) owns an I♥NY shirt and definitely dreams of moving here someday. Most likely to try to blend in with locals and get the most out of their precious time in the best city in the world.

2. The First Timer

A New York newb, the First Timer makes their pioneer exploration into the concrete jungle. Chances are the experience will be polarizing- they will either fall in love and want to come back as much as possible, or hate it.

3. The Crammer

Packing as much into their New York City stay as possible, the Crammer plans down to the New York minute for the MAXIMUM VACATION EXPERIENCE. Crammers take the “city that never sleeps” cliché very seriously, but should note,no one ever said it’s the city that never RESTS!

4. The Square

Never venturing out of the 10 block radius of Times Square, the Square eats at Olive Garden, shops at Forever 21, and sleeps at the Marriott Marquis for the entirety of their vacation. They leave thinking NYC is nothing more than Elmos and pretzels. At least they make it to a Broadway show, albeit a Disney or juke box one.

5. The GTFO

Everyone’s least favorite tourist, the GTFO is extremely vocal about their hatred of New York for the entirety of their New York vacation! “I don’t know how anyone lives here” is their anthem, along with refrains of “dirty” and “expensive“. Called “GTFO” because, seriously, if they hate NYC they should just Get The Fuck Out!

6. The Borougher

A true adventurer, the Borougher does copious research before taking any trip. While most other tourists stay strictly in Manhattan, the Borougher makes a point to book their AirBnB in Brooklyn and visit MoMA PS1 in Queens. See also The Foodie.

7. The Foodie

With an Instagram page that will likely make you drool, The Foodie’s number one reason for visiting NYC is the cuisine! They’ll follow blogs, grams, and read articles for months, preparing their taste buds for the best restaurants and most photogenic desserts the city has to offer.

8. The Guest

Rarely explicitly invited but usually welcomed, the Guest gets a shockingly inexpensive NYC vacation because they know someone who lives here! The host is gracious enough to offer up their futon and likely sacrifice a weekend playing tour guide. Guests are advised to sing for their supper by treating their host to supper.

9. The School Group

Traveling in packs, The School Group has every single one of their New York minutes on a tightly regimented schedule. Nothing on this trip is something they planned for themselves, but that’s okay because it beats the classroom! Timeless fixtures include the haggard chaperon, the couple that’s totally losing their virginity on this overnight trip, and the kid who will look back on this trip in 10 years and say, “That senior class trip is when I knew I belonged in NYC.”

10. The Fam Clan

Also known for known for traveling in packs is the Fam Clan. A family traveling in NYC always has one member who is just not having a good time. Someone’s feet will hurt, someone didn’t want to go to another stupid museum, and someone definitely thinks Disney Land would have been just this expensive and we wouldn’t have to drag around whiney children!

11. The Cliché

The Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty, the Metropolitan Museum of Art – the Cliché’s NYC itinerary includes only the most well known icons. They are slow movers, savoring the sights to get the most out of their vacation. Which of course includes bringing home the most cliché souvenirs!

12. The Homelander

Not really a tourist, not exactly a local, the Homelander once called New York home before a tortured decision to move away. Destined to visit old stomping grounds and feel dazed by how much has changed, there’s always a part of them that wonders what would have happened if they never left.

Bonus: The Blogger?

Not a tourist. But she often looks like one!

Which of New York City tourists are your favorite? Who did I leave out? What are you like when you travel? Which do you think you were when you visited NYC? 


About New York Cliche

NYC lifestyle blog by Mary Lane. Events, adventures, epic mistakes, dating, life, humor. A 30-something trying to make it (and make out) in the city of dreams.

6 thoughts on “12 Types of New York City Tourists

  1. I’ve never visited NYC so I guess if I ever made it I’d be a No.2 with a dash of No.11. However if I had the time and was not completely overwhelmed by the hugeness of the city ( I come from a tiny town of 900 or so people in Tasmania) I would love to be a No. 6. I like to visit neighbourhoods with character, ride on public transport and some of the less well known tourist spots.

  2. I absolutely loved this. Okay, for me I was originally #5 – just wanted to come up for a show. After arriving I became #2. Falling in Love on the first visit, I became #3 on my second visit, trying to see it all. By my 3rd visit I gave up on seeing it all and became #11, trying to see all of the iconic places, but missing the time to “soak” it in. That’s when we decided we would like to move here long enough to experience it. So, now we are the “Blogger.” If we actually leave here someday (as was our original plan), we will be #12, returning every chance we get.

  3. I find this article really interesting and I could not help but laugh while reading some lines. I have visited New York several times and I think that from this description, I can be called Borougher. I like before informing me before going on a trip.

  4. Love this post Mary! I’m definitely a mix of 1, 6 and 11 ?. I try to look cool when I’m there but can also be found at the top of the rock as my husband takes my picture looking like a true tourist ?

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