Weekly New York Minutes #16

Every Friday I feature some fleeting moments from my week that made me stop and think, “I’m so lucky to live in NYC!” And maybe some others that made me think, “Bahaha this city is ridiculous and I love it.” Here we go for the first week of warmth May…

Biking down 21st Street in Chelsea, I hit the breaks to photograph this absolutely gorgeous brownstone. It made the whole portion of the block it’s on smell nice! As I was stopped, another biker pulled up beside me to get a photograph himself. Then a nine or ten year old boy walked by with his family and audibly gasped. It made me so happy to hear a little dude get excited about flowers. Located on 21st, between 9th and 10th if you wanna see for yourself. So  jealous of those people walking in!

Feeling sorry for this group outside of Saint Patrick’s, all forced to wear the same unflattering orange t-shirt. Nothing screams TOURIST more than matching tees. Usually it’s a school group wearing them, but this group was a mix of kids and adults… Well, it’s officially Tourist Season in NYC!

A Park Avenue florist shop (i.e. the Swankiest Flower Shop I’ve Ever Seen) pimped out the scaffolding in front of the store. Inspiring to make the best of a less than ideal situation? It reminds me of when I was in middle school and had a mouth full of braces, how I’d get different colored rubber bands, depending on the season.

After seeing Saint Joan, my friend Tessa and I stood waiting for the Q train. We’d been standing there a while, when she realized the person standing directly across from us was her friend Caleb! We had a lovely conversation, yelling across the tracks until our train came. This has happened to me before and always makes me wonder about the other times where a friend was probably on the opposite track but I didn’t notice!

California has tree huggers, NYC has art huggers. This adorable little girl in pink couldn’t get enough of this public art piece at the south east corner of Central Park.

Those were nice little moments of my week! How was yours?

About New York Cliche

NYC lifestyle blog by Mary Lane. Events, adventures, epic mistakes, dating, life, humor. A 30-something trying to make it (and make out) in the city of dreams.

4 thoughts on “Weekly New York Minutes #16

  1. OMG that house is incredible! I want to live there please. Also, I’m so jealous that it’s tourist season in NYC and I don’t have plans to be one of the tourists this year. Enjoy all of the NYC summerness for me!
    Nikki recently posted…Beijing Moments #2My Profile

  2. I love this feature.

    When are we going to hear more about you? How goes the job in Chelsea? The new fella? Reviews are nice, but I also wanna know how your story is going.

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