This winter I’m devoting every Sunday on this blog to SUN! (click for SUNday #1 and SUNday #2) What our skin lacks in Vitamin D we will make up for with our eyes! Together we will combat the winter blues, living vicariously through pictures of greener, sunnier pastures!
SUNday #3: California beach
It’s 34 degrees and raining in NYC right now. As soon as I finish this post I’m out the door to brunch with my roommates. Perfect New York Cliché Sunday. In contrast, the perfect California cliché Sunday is spent at the beach. Which I’ll be thinking of to make this weather dreary day just a little brighter.

Happy Sunday everyone! Hope you enjoy sunshine either real or reminisced!
LOL. I’m the same. I spend my winters pining away for the sun and I change all my wallpapers and screen savers to pictures with sunshine. I love your Sunday theme!
Phil Taylor recently posted…The Best of The Phil Factor
The water is very calm, like it is saying that everyone are welcomed to dive into it. Your photos are beautiful! It showed the beauty of the place. Some water activities like paddling will surely be perfect for this.