Last week Taylor Swift was named the Global Ambassador to New York City. This left a lot of people scratching their heads- Taylor Swift? Really? I love Taylor Swift, I do. “Shake It Off” Pandora is my new favorite station, I have no shame in admitting it! She’s a great singer, a charming performer, talented song writer. She’s beautiful and her personality seems adorable. But Global Ambassador to New York? Nope. Sorry, I don’t get it.
Maybe I’m just jealous.
Can you blame me?
It’s a bit strange that NYC would choose a 20-something white girl to be their ambassador. They decided to go for the cute, leggy, blonde, quirky type? Okay, fine. But if that’s the direction they decided with, WHY didn’t they give ME a call? I fit that description to a TEE!
11 Reasons Why I Should be Global Ambassador to New York over Taylor Swift
1) I’ve lived in New York for 6 years. Taylor has lived here for 6 months. She moved into her Tribeca apartment in May 2014. She moved in May! That means she’s never endured a single New York winter!
2) You can claim to love NY all you want, but if you haven’t lived here in January-March, you’re still in the honey-moon period. Will you still be able to extol NYC’s praises when the city is freezing and dirty snow piles up in every cross walk, Taylor? I’ve made it through SIX New York winters! I still love this city when it’s disgusting out and my feet are wet from the inevitable puddles!
4) So Taylor may know what a “bodega” is. She may know how to pronounce “Houston”. But does she understand what “SHOWTIME!” means? What about “Halal”? I do! (I can also read off a cue card more convincingly, thanks to my Theater BA.)
5) Yesterday Taylor Swift announced her world tour for her new album. Yay! Great! Fun for all her fans! But for the Global Ambassador of New York to announce she’s up and leaving for the road not a week after she’s appointed to the position? SERIOUSLY? This is why you can’t trust someone who has lived here for only spring and summer! They bail as soon as the autumn chill hits!
6) “Welcome to New York” is a great song. Good job, Tay. Taylor Swift has written one great about New York. I’ve written over 300 blog posts about New York. How many of them are great? I couldn’t tell you, but it’s totes more than one.
Like any great love
It keeps you guessing
Like any real love
It’s ever changing
Like any true love
It drives you crazy
But you know you wouldn’t change Anything, anything, anything…
Now I totally agree with all of those lines on describing one’s love of New York. Until the last one. Come on, we’d all change stuff about our true loves if we could! If we could we’d change their cup/peen size, net worth, annoying-as-fuck mother. Same with NYC. If we could we’d change the MTA, real estate prices, the line at Trader Joe’s.
Shouldn’t the Global Ambassador romanticize New York, but also keep it real?
9) More things in common? We both love cats. However, I don’t take my cat out for walks on the city streets. How can the Global Ambassador of New York encourage such behavior?? This is an epidemic of cats hit by cabs waiting to happen.

10) Has anyone heard Taylor Swift drop an F-bomb? She sure keeps them out of her songs. Ooo! Here’s a blog post she wrote in January about not swearing! How can the Global Ambassador of NEW YORK FUCKING CITY be known for her squeaky clean mouth? What the fuck?
11) Did Tay Tay vote in New York City today? Nope, according to Instagram, she’s in Tokyo! Hopefully she voted absentee, still I highly doubt she’s registered in NYC. She has houses in California and Nashville, my money’s that she’s registered in one of those states. Where am I registered? NYC baby! And yep, I totally voted today! Hope you did too!
I’m also pretty sure she won’t be spending her first winter in the city this year either… she’ll be in Nashville or California if she has any sanity (although the cat thing makes me doubt that!)
No contest, you get my vote :p
Lydia recently posted……visited Minnewaska State Park in time to see the leaves
You’re so right. I’m silly to even THINK she’d spend a winter here. She’ll make an appearance at Rockefeller Christmas tree and then ditch us for sunny skies- agh, I’m jealous again damn it!
Good to know I’d have your vote! 😀
You’d get my vote if I was a New Yorker. 🙂
Hehe if you were a New Yorker AND if New Yorkers had had any say in this matter! Thanks though!
I demand a recount! 🙂 Thanks for all the great laughs on this cold, windy Friday in DC!
I demand a revote … or a recount … 🙂 Thanks for all the great laughs! You’ve put me in a great mood for the weekend!
Stacy Fischer recently posted…Monochromia: Fishing at Pier 7
Okay, I don’t know why that funky recent post thing showed up in my comment. Please, please, edit it out. I’m not in the practice of posting shameless plugs. Yikes!!
Oh no! It’s an app called “CommentLuv” that displays recent posts of fellow bloggers so that other readers can see what you’ve been up to! I’ll try to delete it is you really want me to. I personally like how it connects my commenters and their content!
Not for nothing, you are both cuter than I am, Taylor and you. But y’all ain’t got nothing on a native New Yorker like myself. 6 years? Puhlease! I still remember walking to the bodega, in January, while buried in snow as tall as I was, while getting shot at! Y’all ain’t got nothing on your boy! LOL. Sorry, that’s what you get for bringing me over here! Hahhaah.. 😛 We should hang out sometime, then you can learn from a real New Yorker. BX all day!
Angel Rodriguez recently posted…Team Beachbody Scams
hahaha! YES! I’m so honored to have a native NYer read this post! And yea, I have zero cred/authority compared to you, I fully admit! Man…I wonder if I’m closer to Taylor in my NYC no-how than I am to you…
See, that’s why you can’t be the ambassador! A real New Yorker, wouldn’t stand for my statement. They would fight me, and resist! You can’t be nice, and comply. This has been your first lesson from a veteran. You are welcome. LOL. Hugs..
Angel Rodriguez recently posted…Team Beachbody Scams
I know this post was almost a year ago, but I just wanted to let you know that the blog post you mentioned about her not swearing wasn’t actually made by Taylor! It was a fan of hers, a “Swiftie” 🙂