A well-known New York cliché: No one wants to be in the city on Labor Day Weekend. I am among the masses who have gotten away.
However, I will be laboring like crazy- working 11 hours days promoting a car company at the New York State Fair. At least it’s an all American car company which makes me feel a bit more celebratory. I hope y’all are spending the weekend at the beach, getting a final weekend out of your summer home, camping, cooking-out, and spending time with your family. While taking ad nauseum about cars, I’ll be dreaming of a beautiful hike I recently did in Ithaca, NY. They say Ithaca is gorgeous, is a nice play on words as Ithaca is known for its gorges. It really is. See for yourself!

Have a great Labor Day! What are your plans for this weekend?
It’s boyfriend’s birthday this weekend, so gaming, relaxing, presents, eating out, maybe some swimming, and I am attending a baby shower on Sunday. 🙂 It should be fun. And an extra day off is LOVELY. I’ve been so exhausted and stressed it’ll be great! I hope yours is lovely as well 🙂
Ahem. Rainbow tube socks with smiley faces.
I’m a little jealous that you got to leave the city (even though I just got back and didn’t want to leave) because it is grossly humid and gloomy out today.