It finally happened. On Sunday March 1st, the Plastic Bag Ban swept into full effect across New York City. Stores no longer carry plastic bags. If you do need a bag, it’s going to cost you – 5 cents and the only option is paper. My home town San Francisco banned plastic bags in 2007, it’s taken NYC over a decade to finally catch up! I am absolutely thrilled. If you’re not thrilled and instead struggling to adjust to the Bag Ban, the most helpful thing to do is go out and get a reusable tote (or three).

311 says the Department of Sanitation is hosting FREE give-aways of reusable bags. I’m sure they’ll get the job done but…there’s no way the Department of Sanitation is giving away FUN, SUPER FUNCTIONAL free bags!
I’ve rounded up some of my favorite re-usable bags. From totes to work-approps to bags that fold-up small enough to fit in your pocket.
Be TOTES Cool with the NYC Plastic Bag Ban!

1. A classic STRAND Bag
Totes a New York cliché in the best way. There are so many different designs featured on these tote bags from the Strand Bookstore. I had to get this one called “Iconic New York” because it really should be called New York Cliché.

2. A bag that’s basically an art-piece plastic look-alike
If you are missing plastic bags…get these reusable ones from Uncommon Goods. They are an artistic homage to the old plastic waste. Made out of machine washable fabric and all the writing is embroidered.

3. A New Yorker Tote
When you subscribe to the New Yorker, they give you a free tote! Not a flimsy free tote either, the canvas is hefty and the bag is roomy. It’s a joy to low-key broadcast to the world that you’re an intellectual New Yorker reader. No one needs to know you have 4 months of back issues piled up on your desk, unread…Also, they’re having a flash sale right now. Support trustworthy journalism!

4. A simple leather tote
This is my perfect work bag. I use it on the weekends too. I’ve had it for years, it’s good quality, a good price on Amazon, and it holds an awesome amount of stuff. If I pick up something at a store after work, there’s usually space to throw it in this bag. And if there isn’t, I always keep a folded up tote in one of this bag’s many pockets. It’s just great and I love it so much I sometimes take pictures with it.

5. A step further: produce bags
So NYC stores still have plastic produce bags available. But since you’re already forced to jump on the re-usable bag train, why not go all-in and start bringing your own produce bags. These ones from Etsy are mesh, light-weight, and no ocean dweller will ever accidentally eat one that flies into open water.

6. The too-cute, scrunch-up Avocado bag
This Amazon bag scrunches up into itself, making it super easy to throw in your purse so you always have it. It’s functional and holds a lot. It would have my millennial self smiling every time I used it.

7. A chic, profession-looking backpack
My fella went on an extensive hut to find a bag that was work-appropriate ad stylish for a 30-something dude. This “Kamp New York Classic” was what he ended up with. He’s been super happy with it for over a year. He got it in a local Queens shop, but you can find it here on Amazon.

8. Artsy bags that fold up tiny
Bags that fold up super-small are super useful to always have on you. These fold up to be 4.3″ x 4.5″ inches, which means they’ll fit in most pockets and purses. Unfurled, they’re 20″ x 16″, which will hold a lot. I like all the design options from this Amazon LOQI “Museum Collection” which features the art of countless artists.

9. Basic bags that fold up tiny
If you are the opposite of me and don’t like fun designs on your bags, I respect that! These are super simple, affordable bags from BeeGree. Get a set all in black or many different color options.
10. Totes that support a cause! Or your favorite artists!
Have a cause you want to support? Chances are, there’s a bag for that. Many organizations – podcasts, radio stations, political candidates, conservation funds – have swag you can buy that will support the creator or cause. Have a favorite local artist you follow of Instagram? Ask if they make totes! I love the ones illustrator Chelsey Hill @illustratingdiva sells on her Instagram – DM her about them!
I love the ban and think that it’s a great habit to carry a bag with you. I prefer the canvas shoppers, like from Trader Joe’s because of the flat bottom, long handles and they fit more than the store’s paper bags.
I’m thrilled with the plastic ban! It’s about time.
They are starting to do away with plastic here in PA as well. I love the notion, but am so terrible at remembering to throw my reusable bags back in the car after I unload them. #mombrain
i’ve been doing this since the ’08’s when Anya Hindmarch came out with her I’m not a plastic bag tote – I waited in line for hours in the pouring rain outside Whole Foods – who would’ve known it was so ahead of it’s time? ! 🙂 love this fun post, thanks for sharing it xx Bee
You were even ahead of the San Francisco trend! Impressive. So funny that tote is now probably considered “vintage”. So glad you liked this post, thanks so much Bee 🙂