Every Friday I feature some fleeting moments from my week that made me stop and think, “I’m so lucky to live in NYC!” And maybe some that made me think, “Bahaha this city is ridiculous and I love it.” Here we go for this will-January-ever-end week…

Where else but New York do businesses take scaffolds as an opportunity to get crafty? Construction can slow business, blocking entrances from passersby. So Cafe Fiorello here in Lincoln Center jazzed up the scaffold in front of their building to attract attention. There is so little green AND light this time of year that the crawling ivy and the hanging lights felt like a surprisingly nice touch here. They made me smile as I walked by.

On Friday night I went to a show in the basement of a bar in Bushwick! Doesn’t get more Brooklyn than that. This is something I haven’t done since turning thirty…. I definitely felt like I could write a post “Brooklyn Basement Bars in Your 30s VS Your 20s”. But I had a lot of fun and Cat Rickman put on a great show!

It snowed!!! FINALLY! I’m taking full credit: you can blame/thank my snow-centric blog post last week for this winter wonderland! Ok, it wasn’t quite a winter wonderland, it barely snowed an inch. But I walking through Washington Square Park with the freshly white ground was pretty magical.

Take the snow as an opportunity to declare their love!

It was SO COLD this week. Single digits cold! So, obviously, getting hot chocolate was a necessity. Porto Rico Brewing Company has such a delicious affordable cup. It’s drinkable, too not rich or syrupy, and you can get a medium for $2. A no brainer if you’re on Bleecker Street a chilly day. Always say yes to whipped cream.
that scaffolding at Fiorello has been up for YEARS, hasn’t it? I love walking that stretch of B’way! Thanks for the tip about Porto Rico, I must try their hot choc now!!