17 Wacky and Totally Unexpected Things Seen on the New York City Streets

You never know what you’ll stumble across on the rough and tumble streets of NYC. Here’s an eclectic collection of a some of the most wacky, weird, silly, and maybe even scary things I’ve seen walking around the New York City streets!

1. A King Kong -sized banana parallel to Madison Square Park
2. A Minion fire hydrant in Williamsburg

3. Handmaids in Chelsea

4. Trees wearing sweaters in the West Village

5. A miniature cow in Tribeca

6. Suits of armor guarding a Gramercy Park building

7. A stormtrooper waiting for his chauffeur on the Upper East Side

8. Monkeying around balloons on a street sign in Union Square

9. Two-dimensional boy band pop stars in Korea Town

10. A tie-dyed doggy with her leash untied in Greenwich Village

11. A puddle of the exact liquid that turned the OG turtles into Teenaged Mutant Ninjas on 5th Avenue

12. A masked driver behind the wheel of a scarlet Batmobile in Murray Hill

13. A massive hippopotamus ballerina across from Lincoln Center

14. Donald Trump charging $3 for a whack with a noodle and $10 for a “Dry Hump”

15. The vow approximately 90% of New York women have taken since November 2016

16. A massive pile of pillows under the arch in Washington Square Park

17. A vibrant random rainbow casting its colors onto West 62nd Street



About New York Cliche

NYC lifestyle blog by Mary Lane. Events, adventures, epic mistakes, dating, life, humor. A 30-something trying to make it (and make out) in the city of dreams.

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