Remember That Time I Moved To New York?

At the end of the month, I will celebrate five years of living in New York City. Five years! I’ve lasted five years! That’s half a decade! Perhaps I will scream these words from the top of the Empire State Building on May 27th. Such an accomplishment demands celebration and perhaps I should make the most of this anniversary. A harbor cruise, ice cream at Serendipity, followed by screaming like a lunatic off New York’s most iconic building. What better way to commemorate 5 years in the Big Apple?


Recently, events in my (love) life have lead me back to the neighborhood I lived in when I first moved to New York. I can’t help but reflect while riding the train that I took so many times my first year in the city. This, combined with the substantial anniversary, and I’ve been thinking a lot about how far I’ve come since moving here. When Jody, the author of one of my new favorite blogs New York Notebook, approached me to write a guest post about moving to NYC, I jumped at the chance.

“Welcome to New York”.

These words were printed on the green and white sign that hung over the highway, two blocks from my apartment. They taunted me everyday the first year I lived in New York. I was so close to the city, and yet so far. According to my mailing address, I lived in Yonkers, a maddening half block from the Bronx. But I didn’t live in Yonkers those first 15 months. I slept in Yonkers (usually…), I did laundry in Yonkers. The only place I lived was New York City. Click here to read the rest of the post! 

Writing this blog, essentially a chronicle of the five years, is such a wonderful way to reflect and look back. In this spirit, I’ve compiled all my archives- over 200 posts. Want to see for yourself just how far I’ve come since 2008? Click the links on the side bar.  It couldn’t be easier.

Thank for reading, whether you’ve been with me 5 years (anyone?) or 5 days!


About New York Cliche

NYC lifestyle blog by Mary Lane. Events, adventures, epic mistakes, dating, life, humor. A 30-something trying to make it (and make out) in the city of dreams.

10 thoughts on “Remember That Time I Moved To New York?

  1. Happy anniversary! I love to read your blog when one half of me wants to throw my hands in the air and say WHHYYYYYY NEW YOOOOORK

    1. @thespeakingme; Ditto! Your posts definitely make me want to move to New York. I’d like to live there at some point in my life, maybe if I eventually get my dream job teaching linguistics at NYU!

  2. My five year is in September and I can hardly believe it. There are hard days, there are challenging days, but living here is pure magic! Happy Anniversary!

  3. Great post! You should compile your blog posts and put them in a book about your life in New York, and you could include your pictures in it.
    I know what you mean about the commute, though for me it’s kind of the opposite. I have to spend a lot of time commuting to my various jobs, and it’d be easier if I would just move to an area that’s closer to them. But I like my neighborhood so much (though I HATE my apartment) that I’m more willing to commute than move. By the way, I gave you an award on my blog. It comes with questions, though you don’t have to answer them (but I’d be interested in reading your responses) or tag anyone. I just wanted you to have the award. 🙂

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