There was a time three summers ago when my blog was in potential danger. It was being watched meticulously. I had signed a contract with a social media clause. One post too many and the whole thing could have been shut down- even worse than loosing my job. I knew my manager was reading it when he mentioned something he could have only known from a previous post, accompanied by a wink for emphasis. All summer he read my blog like it was his job, and indeed, it was.
By the end of the summer, he morphed from boss to friend, from monitor to actual reader. I’m still grateful he never shut me down, many a manager would have done so. Then again, there is probably no other authority figure in the world who owns the title of “Lord of Misrule” as his alter-ego. Charismatic, talented, inspiring, and he’ll instantly make you feel comfortable- even when you know he’s reading the blog you’re not supposed to be writing. See for yourself:
Name/prefered pseudonym: The Godfather [that’s one I haven’t heard before…]
Borough and neighborhood: Astoria, Queens
How are you a New York cliché? I get too wrapped up in local sports, I’m a musical theatre snob, I believe in the Miracle on 34th St.
They say no one who lives in New York is actually from New York. Where are you from? …um, New York? Well, really, Long Island, so everyone can just interchange their favorite New Jersey & Staten Island jokes and apply them here…
Bloomberg is banishing you from NYC. You have 24 hours before you have to pack up and leave for ever. How do you spend them? I gather up all my talented friends, who I think are at their very best when they’re all together, and produce the greatest show no one has ever seen – something we totally can do in 24 hours. In a twist at the 23 hr. 30 min. mark, I shave my beard and go into hiding in Brooklyn (no one will think I’m there) because there’s no way my fiance is leaving NYC!

You totally saw something weird on the subway or street today (you may not have registered it was weird because you are jaded), what did you see? When the weather gets warmer, the N train just gets stranger.
What is your favorite fictionalized New York? How does it compare with reality? ‘When Harry Met Sally’. Now that I have written that answer, I have to go back and watch because I may have lived it!
Plug something! Be it something you are involved in, your significant other/roommate/cat is involved in, or just something you think is extra-special going on in NYC. I will always plug the fancy group I have produced [By The Mummers]– today we seem to be dormant, but that can change at the drop of the hat. My alter ego Lenny Burrows is trying to throw the first pitch at a AAA baseball game to promote the Sterling Renaissance Festival this summer. And if you find yourself a Disney fan, @DillosDiz.
I love the way New York is portrayed in When Harry Met Sally too; I wish I could take a walk around New York with Harry and Sally and listen to them obsess about everything.
I love that “The Godfather’s” hardest question to answer was hot dog or pizza..haha. And the nickname makes sense, considering he once offered the theme song from The Sopranos as a good pump-up song for a mix 🙂
As for When Harry Met Sally? I still really need to see that film. Before I move.