It is a New York cliché universally acknowledged that moving in NYC SUCKS.
SO BAD! IT’S THE WORST! Doesn’t matter if you hire a muscle squad to haul everything for you or shuttle it by yourself in a series of taxis, the entire process is going to be wretched and you will hate pretty much every minute of it.

Apartment hunting, packing, and trying to save money for this big expense will consume your entire life. If you have for example , a lovely blog about New York City you are passionately dedicated to, you will completely abandon it for over a month. Your new hobbies of shoving-things-into-boxes and donating-shit-you-fucking-don’t-need are all consuming, LOL NO TIME for creativity!
Goodwill is the only NYC establishment I’ve frequented lately! I already blogged about the most interesting thing that could ever happen at Goodwill!
So if you’ve been wondering where the hell I’ve been…
Just imagine me sitting in a room surrounded by boxes in complete disarray, feeling overwhelmed. Clutching my cat who wasn’t going to be my cat much longer. Yes, in our separation, my roommate got custody of Pip the cat. It’s terribly sad with the only bright side being my NY cliché black wardrobe is no longer covered in white hair.

Let me fulfill the clichést of blogger clichés: sorry I haven’t written in ages!!
I’ve left the apartment I called home for five freaking years. Said good-bye to the stairs of my 5th floor walk-up in Harlem, upper Manhattan and U-hauled it to Brooklyn.
Cementing my rightful place as a Miranda.
I bought a bike (!!!) and am thus well on my way to…BK Cliché?

It’s never easy to get from upper Manhattan to Brooklyn. The trip is “UGH” on a GOOD day! How the hell was I going to move everything I owned? I freaked out about it for a week and then my wonderful boyfriend asked me the question every New York Cliché girl dreams of being asked…
“Want me to rent a Uhaul?”

As far as I’m concerned, Tiffany’s got nothing on the gift of renting someone a Uhaul, helping move all their shit down 5 flights of stairs, and then driving it through New York City traffic.
I’m a lucky Brooklyn gal. A lucky Brooklyn blogger. Who’s back! Back in the New York groove! Expect frequent content to resume and maybe even some exciting updates.
Mary, moving sucks period. It’s stressful, you have to make hard decisions about what has to go and it costs money.
I swore after the last move we made from a house we’d lived in for 25 years that the only box that would leave this house would have me inside it but it looks as if I’ll be doing the whole damn thing again within the next year. Fifteen years in this house so it won’t be pretty.
I hope that life is now returning to normal and that you are enjoying your new neighbourhood. And I hope you have visiting rights to the cat.
I still have PTSD from our cross-country move, and just hearing the words U-Haul is causing me to break out in hives. But congrats on the very big move! Pip will be sorely missed.