This weekend, thousands of New Yorkers will take off their pants on the subway.
This knickers reveal is a highly choreographed annual event.
This Sunday, January 8th is NYC’s annual No Pants Subway Ride.
What? You may ask. Why? You may ask. Y’all fuckin’ crazy? You may also ask.
The event was started in 2002 (that’s well over a decade of pantsless-ness!) by the super/awesome/spectacular group Improv Everywhere. Y’all know I love improv. This is a group whose entire purpose of being is to “cause scenes of chaos and joy in public places”. How awesome a mission statement is that?? I guarantee a grin on your face if you watch some of the stunts they’ve pulled: likes spontaneous musicals, throwing surprise wedding receptions, and pranking a subway car to believe in time travel with some brilliant identical twins.
So you’re saying I should take off my pants to cause a scene of chaos and joy in a public place?
YES–AND if you need more reasons I got them.
8 Reasons to Take Off Your Pants and Join the No Pants Subway Ride 2017
1. If there’s something that society forbids you to do (take of your pants) but on one day allows (January 8th!), you gotta do it!
2. It will be a funny, bizarre experience that you can tell your children some day.
3. Next time your extended family in Ohio asks, “What do you do in New York for fun?” You can honestly say, “I take off my pants in public, with hundreds of other people!” BEST ANSWER EVER.

4. Get the feeling of being united towards a goal with a bunch of strangers for no other reason them ridiculousness. Hey, it’s just like your parents told you in THE TALK: taking off your pants together is the deepest form of bonding. The No Pants Subway Ride camaraderie is amazing.
5. It’s the PERFECT meet-cute. And you’ll already know if he prefers boxers or briefs.
6. PROTEST WINTER. Fuck you, winter! You’re not the boss off me! YOU CAN’T MAKE ME WEAR PANTS, 20 degree weather!
7. Be honest: you could really use the excuse to shave your legs.
8. Channel your inner Carrie Bradshaw. Do it for the fashion statement and gear up for Fashion Week next month.
I’ve participated in two No Pants Subway Rides. It’s one of those ridiculous things every New Yorker needs to experience once. Plus it’s fun and exhilarating and a lot less cold than the Coney Island Polar Bear Plunge. The Sunday forecast currently reads “Mostly Sunny” and 26 degrees. Perfect weather to show off your butt!
There are 7 meeting places through out the city. Visit to Improv Everywhere’s site HERE for all the details. If you’ve got it, flaunt it, NYC. Tag me in your Instagram posts!
Wow, you’re much braver than me!
It was like walking around at the pool! But with way more clothes on and colder legs hahahah
Wow !!
Thumbs up !
harsh recently posted…Hello world!