When Carrie Bradshaw said, “Shopping is my cardio.”she was revealing a real option here in New York City. It’s easy to walk several miles in this city without even thinking about it. As an individual with a disposition for being chronically late, it’s not uncommon to see me literally running down the street, trying to get to an appointment on time. This life style has whittled me down to a size 2 without ever setting foot in a gym. What I save in gym memberships I spend on shoes, with so much walking, I constantly wear out pairs. It sounds like the perfect situation right? Not quite… Lately I’ve found myself unable to open peanut butter jars because my upper body strength is pathetic. Looking at pictures from a friend’s recent wedding, my first thought is “The bride is beautiful!” my second, “My posture is horrible!” My NYC “exercise plan” wasn’t cutting it any more. I needed to add something else…
That’s when Miz Mooz New York City delivered everything I wanted and more. This shoe company began in NYC with a dedication of combining fashion and comfort. With footwear that combines “vintage styling, hand finished leather, and unique and unexpected detailing” these are the perfect shoes to run all over town with out your feet hurting. Made out of durable materials, I won’t wear them down to the sole after just one season. Perhaps most importantly, they are cute as all get out with styles appropriate for casual to dressy occasions.
To celebrate their new fall styles, Miz Mooz New York City invited me and several other New York City bloggers to an evening of yoga at Brooklyn Bridge Park. Stylish city shoes and a kick in the pants to start a yoga routine? How did they know everything I needed this fall? Maybe I should’ve been a little freaked out that they read my mind. Instead I was just excited! It sounded like a great event!
It was even better than I hoped. The sun was just beginning to dip below the skyline when we arrived at Brooklyn Bridge Park. Orange yoga mats reading Miz Mooz New York City #MizMoozMoves were set up in rows, waiting for us in the golden light. “Shoes? Shoes I know.” (Again I’m quoting Carrie Bradshaw.) Yoga? Not so much. After admiring the Spanish leather boots and oxford lace ups in perfect fall browns, blacks, and tans, I headed over to my yoga mat. Almost as embarrassing as my lack of upper body strength is my lack of flexibility. Was I about to embarrass myself so badly I’d never be able to show myself to a yoga mat again?

No. Our teacher Kelly was wonderful. She was calm and commanding at the same time making us all feel like we were in good hands. The hour class was just the right level of challenging. It made me want to get better, to start doing yoga regularly. Now I have that I have perfect sunny #MizMoozMoves yoga mat and the knowledge that I can downward dog without dying, I certainly have less excuses. The Miz Mooz New York City Fall 2014 style certainly make me want to strut them all over the city. It seems I found my perfect exercise combo right here, sweating in the waning sunlight and stretching my meager muscles!
After the sun set and just before my muscles cried out “NO MORE!” we sealed our practice with a chant of “ommm”. The peacefulness of yoga, the comradery of all moving together, combined with the sparkle of city lights and color changing sun. It was magical. If this doesn’t get me doing yoga, nothing will. And if this boots don’t leave you looking find the perfect pair of fall leather boots, nothing will.
These were my favorites. Appropriately named “Flirt” They come in black, brown, and red. I adore red shoes! Spanish leather with a 3.25 inch heel and decorative zipper, they’re perfect to dress up or wear with jeans. Check out all the Miz Mooz New York City Fall ’14 styles on their website!
My friend Jen, who attended the event with me, and I left Brooklyn Bridge Park feeling awesome, from the tippy top of our heads to the bottom of our toes! We had to show off our awesome Miz Mooz goodie bags, yoga mats, with another incredible view of the skyline and Brooklyn Bridge! Thanks to the Spanish tourist who took our picture!
Thanks Miz Mooz New York City for sponsoring this post and such an amazing event! I owe you big for setting me on a yoga kick and putting a kick in my step as I run around town this season!
what a great promo event from shoes producers! Your post made me want to take my running shoes out again! Our Vegas heat has just started cooling a tiny bit in the early mornings
Haha some of your posts remind me very much of my Boston Cliche lifestyle. I like to feel like I’m in great shape because I walk a lot, until I try anything related to flexibility or upper strength and then…not so much. Let us know how the yoga works out!
1. Love yoga so obviously love this post and 2. Almost bought a “Shopping Is My Cardio” shirt today lol only after being more tempted by a “Donut Bother Me” one
These pictures are beautiful! This looks like so relaxing!
I went to my first yoga class last week
I am proud of you, it looks like you did awesome!
It’s weird how the progression of the class made me think “I can’t do this I’m too beginner” to “You know, I could keep coming here on a regular basis…”
Also, those shoes look amazing. I’m generally of the preference for calf-high boots, but boots in general are great and I might look into these. I like walking to town for lunch from work and having comfy shoes that aren’t necessarily tennis shoes would be great.
I’m so confused. How can you go broke wearing down your shoes? It only costs $20 to resole them. I walk 6 miles a day like any other NYC woman, and my cobbler budget is never more than $100 a year.