If I lived anywhere else in the country, all my peers (and perhaps myself?) would be getting married right now. New York cliché: People in NYC get married later. (Or not at all). Oh sure, I’ve been to a wedding or two (sometimes accidentally), but I’m not at all in a position of all of my friends are engaged or every weekend there’s another wedding. I know plenty of people who are in that position, their bank accounts hurting, their tiny New York closets crammed with cocktail to black tie attire. Typically they’re a couple of years older than me, or hail from a hometown much more traditional than my beloved San Francisco.
The fella I’m dating (yep, it’s still going on) qualifies on both these accounts. He’s been to countless weddings in the past few years and frequently refers to a number of ladies as “my friend’s wife”.
When he invited me to be his plus one for the next wedding on his calendar, we’d only known each other a couple weeks.
“I know it’s early, but I want you to be my date.”

The wedding was in Denver. A four plus hour flight and thus a whole weekend spent away. A weekend escape from NYC to a festive party in beautiful Colorado? You know I’m the biggest sucker for cake and dancing. (Plus, well, I kinda sorta actually like this guy.) It sure was tempting.
He sweetened the deal even more: “I’ll pay for your ticket.” You know I’m a sucker for free things.
“Should I go?” I asked pretty much anyone and everyone (including some of his friends: not my best idea).
“We haven’t known each other that long,” I sat in the kitchen, weighing the pros and cons with my roommate, “He could be an ax-murderer for all I know. What if he’s luring me to Colorado so he can chop me up into little pieces and sprinkle my remains along the Rocky Mountains?”
My roommate gets me, so rather than calling me dark, twisted, or crazy she instead said, “Well, I met him. I can pick his face out of any line up. If he murders you, I will get revenge.” Thanks, Rose.

“What if we hate each other by then?” I asked. The wedding in question was over two weeks away. I’ve certainly had changes of heart faster than that.
“I don’t see any way I could hate you,” he replied. I liked this answer.
“Okay,” I decided, “I’ll go. I want to go. Now. But if I hate you by the end of September, I reserve the right to back out. If you buy my ticket, you are taking that risk.”
It was a risk he was willing to take.
A wise choice on his part. The wedding is this weekend and I still very much want to go. I’m taking the day off work tomorrow, we fly out of NYC early in the morning. It’s my first wedding as someone’s plus one. I’m spending the whole weekend with this guy. I have a hunch it’s going to be a blast.
If I’ve been completely deceived and he reveals himself an ax murder, please remember me fondly. (Also try to get my blog made into a book, it should at least sell well post-mortem.)
Follow me on Instagram @nyccliche and Twitter @NewYorkCliche if you want pictures/updates!
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Have a blast in Denver! Hope that blast doesn’t come from a fire-arm (bad joke, sorry! :P). I have come to an age where everybody around me is either getting married or having kids. At 25, it’s certainly a path I don’t see taking myself in the near future, I feel like I should live more for a wee while and maybe settle down someday, like in 10 or 15 years if it feels right. I still find it kind of funny how events unfold…
OH MY GAAAAAD you two are so cute!! Have a great time. 🙂
AH! I am SO jealous. Was literally going as a plus one to a wedding in Georgia next weekend… And of course things change! Now he’s coming to my city instead. Same cheesy-stuffed-animal-story person to come 🙂 have the best time though!
Have a great time!!!
And if …just if he turns out to be an ax murderer and you go missing. I suggest you schedule a post for 5 days from now…..With his pic…name…address..hahah…This way all of the blogosphere will gather around and put our bloggy forces together to take this man down!!!
Have a wonderful time! It sounds like it will be a lot of fun!
Sounds like a blast! Do you know what you’re going to wear yet??
I just got back from Denver and it’s a great city. Especially if you like craft beer. Head over to Larimer Street at night and sneak away for a nice dinner and drinks. It’s all lit up at night and there some good spots over that way. Go for it and have fun!
So excited for you! Can’t wait to hear all about it.
That sounds like fun! I’m also going as +1 to a wedding this weekend. Have lots of fun! That’s awesome to be traveling to another state for it. I’ve heard Colorado is gorgeous 🙂
Denver is awesome! watch out for the altitude – you drink a lot less and get a lot more drunk.
You are hilarious. I get your sense of humor.
I hope he has similar instructions for his friends in case he discovers Consequence and begins worrying about you being a cutlass murderer.