- The arrival of spring flowers in midtown. Suddenly color bursts from the gray concrete landscape and everything looks so much brighter. It may still be 30°, it may snow again tomorrow, but the tulips and daffodils of New York Parks and Rec herald the arrival of spring like nothing else.
- When you’ve been driving through dirty Jersey for god knows how long and suddenly the skyline of Manhattan appears on the horizon. If that doesn’t fill your heart with “There’s no place like home!” you should just stay in New Jersey.

- Going down to the subway after a long day at work and being greeted by street musicians who are rocking out. Suddenly the steel drum version of “Wouldn’t It Be Nice” by the Beach Boys is your new jam. You can feel the musicians passion and joy for music spread to everyone on the platform.

- Looking out the window of the subway as your train passes another and making eye contact with someone on the other train. You share a smile, have a moment, then woosh away in opposite directions, never to see each other again.
Rounding a corner and discovering a new piece of public art. When did that go up? Who’s the artist? Where else in the world can you end up face to face with a brilliant sculpture while walking to Starbucks?

- Watching a movie or TV show that was filmed in NYC and recognizing all the locations and goofs. You expect me to believe that he walked her home, to her apartment on the Upper West Side after a date in the East Village? Nope, I don’t think so!
Spotting Neil Patrick Harris, or some other celebrity, while shopping at Whole Foods. Feeling excited because you admire his work but knowing that as a New Yorker, you’re too cool to go all fan girl on the poor man while he runs errands. You’ll tweet about it instead.
Spotting the moon in a cloudless sky framed by the tops of skyscrapers. Bonus points if one of the skyscrapers is the Chrysler Building.

- Getting lost in the West Village. It brings you back to the exhilarating feeling you had when you first moved to New York and got lost all the time.
The feeling when you leave your apartment on Saturday night. All dolled up, wearing your party shoes, the city is your oyster. The endless possibilities of NYC are magnified in the short time span of 10pm-dawn. You could meet any one, go some where you’ve never been before. You don’t know exactly how the night will unfold, but you’re ready for anything.
Have you had minutes like these? What certain moments stand out in your mind, brighten your day? Thanks for reading! If you want more of my slice of the Big Apple, follow me on Twitter!
I live way up in Rochester but been going to NYC several times a year my whole life. I adore all those things. My son is sophomore at NYU now and we get to share those wonderful things. Life is good.
always good to have an excuse to go to NYC! hope your kid likes college in the city 🙂
He adores it. Now he tells people he “lives” there. He’s never coming back here, I know that.
I can agree with all of these. I would add:
– getting into a cab at JFK and beeping of cabs
-endless lights everywhere.
– hanging out in Bryant Park in sunshine
I love that you love getting into a cab at JFK- is it cause Manhattan is so close, you almost literally can taste it?
Definitely Brant Park in the sunshine—ooooh I can’t wait for NYC summer!
Thank you! As a Londoner I love all those things about NYC. Your post just reminded me timely to visit my New Yorker sister without delay. And to take a good camera.
glad to help reunite sisters! 😀
everyone is so camera happy these days, you can snap away and not even look like a tourist- bonus!
I love those pictures and your descriptions, especially the one of the sheep at the gas station. I’m planning a short trip to NYC this summer, as long as I can afford the time and the money to go. I know what you mean about celebrities. I’ve seen several here in Chicago, but I’m always too shy to approach them or say much to them if they’re appearing at an event.
I love NYC in the summer, you’ll have so much fun if the visit works out! The sheep in the gas station are so funny- I just stumbled across them one time, totally put a smile on my face all day.
I believe a trip to the big apple is in order!
always, do it!
On point number 9: Can’t tell you how many times I’ve asked myself the question: How the hell did I end up at the waterfront? LOL.
right? but of all places to accidentally end up, the waterfront is pretty great. Make me miss my bike.
Reblogged this on SONHOSINOCENTESS.
hooray, thanks for reblogging!!
Ha, I love that you commented on the location goofs in movies, that gets me EVERY time!;-)
yep, always makes me feel smug in a “you can’t fool me, silly studios, I LIVE there!” kind of way