I moved to NYC at age 21. Think that’s young? So did the entire city. My first year I recall being called a baby easily more times than I had in infancy. “You’re 21!? Oh my God, you’re a baby!” Now 5 years later, a comment on my youth is rare. When I do get one, oh boy do I appreciate it! Recently I’ve been reliving my first year in the city through my roommate April*. She just celebrated 6 months here. She is 22. Guess who makes comments about her age all the time? Me. By “comments” I mean I tease her all the time. Perhaps it’s because I never had a little sister and I need an outlet. Perhaps it’s because she’s so damn talented and pretty and smart and has it more together than I do at 4 years her senior…. Perhaps if I didn’t tease her, I’d hate her.
No one wants to hate their roommate. So instead I constantly make fun of her! An easy thing because she’s such an open and endearing person; naive in the delightful way of people discovering the “real world” for the first time. (The nerve of me for saying such things! I think I’m wise at 26? Go ahead, roll your eyes at me. I deserve it! I imagine I’ll be re-reading this in the year 2017 and rolling mine!) Oh I’ve been there, and oh I can relate so much. But, like I said, she’s got it way more together than I did at 22.
A fantastic roommate, mature beyond her years, driven, determined; she’s working on 2 shows, several jobs, and still manages to see her friends more often than I do. She’s got poise. Who has poise at age 22? Some one who is comfortable in her own skin. Bitch. She’s the kind of girl all the boys have crushes on, because she’s genuine. Oh, now you hate her too? Sorry, but she’s also one of the most loyal and caring people you’ll ever meet. She’ll make you cupcakes if you’ve had a bad day. Yep, it’s basically impossible to hate her. So just love her and make fun of her like I do! April, the other night you shared amazing chocolate ravioli with me. Today, I share you with my blog! You’re this week’s featured Other New York cliché!
Name/prefered pseudonym: I think you’ve called me *April on here before. So, let’s go with that? Or 20-something know it all. Or Twitch (thank you, college friends.)
Borough and neighborhood: Harlem/Hamilton Heights
How are you a New York cliché? Well, I moved here right after college to be an actress. I also waitress to make ends meet. And do promo gigs. And nanny. And don’t know what to do with myself when I have more than 5 minutes of free time.
They say no one who lives in New York is actually from New York. Where are you from?
Western Massachusetts. And while I am in love with NYC, you can’t beat the Berkshires in the fall.
Bloomberg is banishing you from NYC. You have 24 hours before you have to pack up and leave for ever. How do you spend them?
I would start the day by having tea with my awesome roommates in our freaking fantastic apartment. Then I would grab my iPod and head out to walk through Riverside Park. I’d catch the train at 96th, and head to the planetarium section of the Museum of Natural History. It’s the coolest thing in the world. I’d meet anyone who wanted to hang out there, and we’d all go grab some lunch at any dollar slice place (Two Bros? They’re my favorite thus far). Then we’d go on a long walk thru Central Park (whether it be cold or warm, snowy or sunny). I would finally find the Balto statue, and revisit the Alice in Wonderland one. Dinner at any restaurant I haven’t tried, and then I’d have to catch a show. Finally, we’d all head back to my apartment for drinks, good music, and an epic farewell. Of course, I’d sneak out for a bit to check out the view across the water at Riverside Park (bookend the day, you know?) It’s stunning.
What restaurant/bar you keep going back to, even though you’ve been meaning to try a dozen others? Well, the restaurant I worked at when I first moved here is the place I’ve eaten at most often. I do go to S’Mac quite a bit, though. And also the bodega on my street. Best grilled cheese ever.
Hot dogs or pizza? Pizza. No contest. Cheese and pineapple. Seriously.

So you live in NYC, but what’s one super-touristy thing you secretly love?
Christmas time in the city. I love everything about it. I always do a Christmas day with my friend, Rachel, or my sister. We go see the tree at Rockefeller Center, ice skate in Bryant Park, walk around and look at all of the big department store Christmas windows, and hit up Macy’s Santaland, where about 95% of my friends in the city work. It’s the best.
Ever had a run-in with a celebrity (A-D List)?
I served Quentin Tarentino at my restaurant. And about a month later I met Shia LaBoeuf there.
You totally saw something weird on the subway or street today (you may not have registered it was weird because you are jaded), what did you see?
Today, specifically? Surprisingly, nothing all that exciting. I did see a guy with a cockatoo chilling on his shoulder riding the A train once. That was weird.

What is your favorite fictionalized New York? How does it compare with reality?
Hmm…the image of all of the men heading to work in their suits in Revolutionary Road is my absolute favorite image. They’re all spilling over the stairs in Grand Central in their fedoras and muted, tailored suits. I’m obsessed with the 1950’s and early 60’s, so this completely appeals to me. While I’m sure it captured the feel of that particular time period very well, much has changed in fashion and accepted work apparel since then. So, it’s probably not the most up-to-date fictionalized New York.
Plug something! Be it something you are involved in, your significant other/roommate/cat is involved in, or just something you think is extra-special going on in NYC.
I write a blog! (I was absolutely inspired by Ms. New York Cliché.) Musings of a 20-Something Know-it-all. Check it out! http://liveditlearnedit.wordpress.com/
I’d also like to make a big ol’ shout out to any and all small, start-up theater companies. Go out, see their shows, help them get on their feet. The more theater there is in this city, the more this city will feel alive, with a completely unique heartbeat.
Thanks, April darling for being part of my Other New York clichés feature! Now please come home from your audition so you can approve this post before we clean the apartment. With any one else, I might be dreading it. But with you, we’ll make cleaning fun.
What do you think of this series? Love it so much you want featured? Fabulous! Email NewYorkCliche@yahoo.com.
She sounds like a lovely person. Good roommates are precious.
Loving this series – thanks for sharing – enjoy learning how other people live and how they live their lives:) Happy Friday!
To me, this series has just reached its climax. Anyways, keep on featuring nyclichés, I like it!