Know who this is? No? I didn’t either until I spent Friday running around Times Square asking people Do you know who I am? NARUTO! Now I know he is a Japanese Manga character, his birthday was Friday, and onlythe people who attend comic conventions and the occasional Japanese tourist knows who he is.
He was my ticket into the crazy world of ComicCon (touched upon in my last post). Now that I am no longer employed as a pirate, I am a freelance promoter/brand ambassador/promotional model. That means I hand out a lot of free shit. Naruto swag was as good as it gets- I passed out $20 T-shirts, tote bags, plush toys, action figures- nice stuff; truly a shame I had no interest in the subject. I get paid to give people free stuff, dress up like a Japanese Manga character, and people watch at ComicCon. Not as cool as being a pirate, but still fun.
I was dressed in the orange outfit and black headband you see in the picture, joined by 30 other promoters in the same garb, running around ComicCon. They didn’t let me keep the outfit- a huge disappointment, I thought I’d solved What Should I Be For Halloween? ComicCon is very much like Halloween. In between karate moves (we were told to do them to attract consumer interest, I am NOT kidding) and passing out swag, I snapped pictures (on my SHITTY phone- apologies for the quality) of the patrons of ComicCon.

Best people watching ever on the job, and that’s saying something as I’ve worked next to the Naked Cowboy!
This is great. I was there! My husband is a life-long comic book fan, so ever since they started the con in NYC (aka HOME) we’ve been going. You are NOT kidding, though, about the BEST people watching EVER. Every year I keep telling my husband that there really needs to be some sort of sociological experiment done there. We don’t dress up, but we do attend. Hubby knows more of the costumes than I do, but as the years pass I am learning… I worry that someday when we have children, they will be face-painters!
Well, I’ll have no one to blame but myself. I definitely got some Naruto swag (that’s always great stuff to bring back to the students), so, who knows? We may have crossed paths!!