Hooray! So glad you’re here! Make yourself comfortable, have a cuppa coffee, take a seat. Oh, you thought the cliché was New Yorkers are rude? Aw, fuck that! Oops. I mean, HI! My name is Mary Lane! Here’s the scoop–
New York Cliché began in May 2008, four days before I moved to New York City to pursue a life in the theatre. An aspiring actress moving to the city of dreams, can it get any more cliché than that? My career just beginning and at the mercy of casting directors, I wanted a creative outlet I could control. So I started writing about the funny “New York” things that happened to me. I never thought the reality of this city would be just as crazy as they make it look on TV, but it is! That’s what this blog is all about. My posts bring vivid color (ranging the spectrum from gold to shit brown) to what life in the Big Apple is all about. Feel free to live vicariously.
Why call myself New York Cliché? Because I love poking fun at myself (and life in general). And what’s the fun of a joke if you can’t share it? I love to make people laugh. I’m a big ham, a total goof- let’s call it part of my charm. Everything you’ll read here has a humorous edge, especially if I’m talking about heart break or oral surgery.

I hope you stick around and laugh with me about my occasionally unbelievable, often perfectly clichéd New York existence.
Follow me on Twitter @NewYorkCliche or Facebook and I’ll be happier than a fashionista at a sample sale!

All photos by John Michael Decker
i just discovered your blog yesterday and have basically made my way through the entire thing (almost). such an entertaining read, especially since it so closely parallels my life!
i moved here a year ago from montreal, met a boy in the park (though its not as good of a story, and i just kept walking so who knows), met a boy online, have the issue of couch surfers inviting themselves over for days on end (one even going so far as to ask me to move out for the week so she could come with her boyfriend…as if).
anyway, this may seem kind of odd but i’ve found that i meet the most interesting people when i’m forward about these things.. would it be weird to have a coffee date sometime? i figure we are both fairly new, both know only so many people etc…
let me know if you think thats a great idea..or just creepy
fyi – i wrote this fresh off the october post about friend making being way harder than dating…so if worse comes to worst at least you have an interesting follow up story to write 😉
i just love your blog such interesting and clever posts. im hooked.
Aw yay, thanks!! I like yours too 🙂
Hey, nice to discover your blog, catchy title! I was in NYC as an aspiring writer and became a stripper, some cliches are hard to avoid. I look forward to follow your struggles and triumphs and my heart goes out to you, I’m sorta happy to be outta NYC.
Had to check out your blog. 🙂 Love it. Loved the New York Cliches.
I posted the above from Dish with Donna. Forgot I logged into that blog. 🙂
The Safa Boy series can definitely and easily become a book <3
Thanks for sharing!
Cute! Will definitely have to check back often 🙂
omg I love your blog. your background picture of the subway map totally spoke to me. I think I have memorized the damn thing after getting lost so many times. Love, love, love your blog. I moved to NYC in summer of 2010 but moved back to totally different part of the world this year. 🙁 But my love for New York is undying and I cant wait to move back to Manhattan. Until then, I think your blog will provide me my dose of NYC 🙂 I’m gonna go add you to my blogroll like right now! 🙂
Wait….you’re awesome. This blog may or may not have just changed my life.
Wow that’s amazingly sweet. I hope it’s not sarcasm 🙂 Thanks so much!
It’s seriously creepy how small a world we live in. After reading your comment on my blog (thank you, by the way!) I ventured on over here to see what you were all about. I just happened to see a reference to the Renaissance Fair in Bumfuck and realized that your Bumfuck was the same as MY Bumfuck. As in I lived in Sterling, NY from the ages of about 4-11.
I just had to share that because, well, it’s weird. Sterling is the smallest, most boring, obsolete place on the face of the earth and the fact that you ended up there is just bizarre.
Lots of love and thanks for stopping by!
Oh my goodness, that is crazy!! This world is too teeny!!
Firstly, I am soooo incredibly jealous you’re in NY! That is my dreammmm home for sure! Secondly, your blog is so creative and I definitely look forward to reading, glad I found it 🙂
Thank you so much! It is a dream to live here, hope you can someday! Until then, you should totally live vicariously through me 🙂
From the map and your adorable header, to your fun writing style, I think I’m gonna follow you.. Wait I know I am.. I just subscribed. Wooo! You Rock.
Hi there! I just wanted to let you know that I have nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award 😀 The way it works goes something like this: create a post and in that post mention the person who nominated you, then mention 7 interesting things about yourself, and then nominate some other blogs that you find interesting! I posted the nominations today so if you want to check it out visit lexiejrunge.com. Congrats!
I wish my life was Sex and the City! It’s really more an episode of girls 🙂
that being said I am totally a Carrie or a Hannah/Marnie mash up!
First off – your blog looks so wonderful and entertaining. Can’t wait to read of your excellent adventures.
Secondly – I like what you’ve done with the place! While I realize that that MistyLook is MistyLake’s little sister, it’s great to see how it can look when fully furnished.
Thirdly – I giggled several times while reading this page, so thanks for that 🙂
very intriguing blog!
I love your blog! And I’m moving to New York in the next few weeks, so I’m eager to soak in all the cliches I can. Thanks for sharing!
That’s so exciting!
Moving in this city is tricky- good lucky!!
Hello there! Lol so this is weird, but you sound exactly (EXACTLY!) like one of my best friends from high school and that’s just so endearing! 🙂 She was the perfect sunny pair to my sarcasm, and then she moved away and Life happened, as it does. So! It was so refreshing to read your stuff. Also, I love your blog! 😀
Ha, that’s funny. Glad to channel your long lost bff! Thanks for reading stopping by!!
No worries. Have a nice one! 🙂
How could I not have found yr blog before? Totally sarcastic, totally NY, totally great. — From another sarcastically single
aww blog twins? Looking forward to checking yours out!
Cute blog! Although I still think San Francisco is loads better than New York haha. I’ve been a few times, but California is just a lot more chill.
Undeniable, so much more chill. And prettier too! I love them both, totally bicoastal 🙂
I have family in NY so I agree with that 🙂 Keep on truckin’ girl!
Very cool. Excited that I’ve finally found this blog.
From one West Coastie to another… take care.
Just found your blog via freshly pressed. Looking forward to reading!
I have nominated your blog for the Inspiring Blog Award. Go you!! You can read about it here http://anitabrowndesignstudio.wordpress.com/2013/03/03/inspiring-blog-award/ Keep up the good work! 🙂
LOVE your blog! Following now and am excited to read more 🙂
<3, Charlotte
I’ve always thought of myself as a NYC girl. Never been there though. Cute blog.
Great blog (exclamation point).
Will look forward to more posts 🙂
Just stumbled my way onto your blog, and realized how you and I are bassssically the same person, except I’m a dude. So glad to meet someone who’s on the same journey as me!
My sister is currently living in new york as well as one of my closest friends I’ve ever had (Though they don’t know each other) reading your blog makes me feel like i am seeing it all through your eyes 🙂 keep up the great writing! 🙂
Hi! Thanks for following – I’m inspired by your layout and will definitely spend the next few days having a good look around!
I love your blog! It’s like there’s a young Carrie Bradshaw talking to me. (-:
Looking forward to read more about your life in NYC.
I love your fabulous blog! I feel like I can live in New York through it <3
I thought I’ve popped in here before. Evidently not, this is so fun. As to anonymity….can’t say really. Good luck with your decision.
Found your blog almost on accident and I absolute love it! Hope to read more soon! 🙂
Hello there. I love your blog and have nominated you for the Sunshine Award.
Thanks for sharing your adventures!
If you choose to accept the award or want to find out more feel free to check out the post: http://amsites.wordpress.com/2014/01/26/nominations-for-the-sunshine-award/
thanks so much, lady! this made my day! thanks for reading my adventures!
Hi hi! I’m a little behind on all my blogs that I missed that you decided to reveal your face! Ahh so exciting. And love the blog revamp!
I’ve just nominated you for The Sunshine Award. Feel free to accept or not accept–either way, know that I love, LOVE, your blog!
Hi, Mary, I’m not sure if you’re an award person but I took the liberty of nominating you for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award. More here: http://maraeastern.wordpress.com/awards/sisterhood-of-the-world-bloggers/. Whether you accept or not, please take the nomination as an acknowledgement of your work on your blog 🙂
Thank you so much for the award! I don’t really have a place to post award on my blog, but know it means a lot to me!
The best “About” page I’ve read so far! Instant follow (^_^)
Hooray! Thank you for the feedback, for reading, and for following! 😀
You are awesome and I love you the fun pictures you got here. Your cover picture is the best and that one bellow of you waving is great too! Can’t wait to read more 🙂
Coming from a photographer like yourself, oh boy that really means a lot! thank you so much!
I’ve been trying to remember where I left that comment but you’re right, it was a while ago… Yoiu’re very sweet to send me that tweet to apologise.
Actually, why am I telling you this here? You’ll probably only see it a year from now!
it was way back in June on this gem of a post: http://newyorkcliche.com/2013/06/11/sometimes-its-a-long-trip-to-i-love-you/
Read it again the other day and realized I was a, what do you say? arse? for not responding.
Thanks for commenting again, and hooray, it’s not 8 months later on my part!
It was a great comment wasn’t it haha
Popped in from 201. Great blog title and pix. (Have you considered shortening your tag line to “Trying to make it (and make out) in New York City”?
Enjoyed touring your place – great stuff
I absolutely adore your blog! I’ve watched several TV shows (and many movies) set in New York and often wondered what life is really like there. So now I can take a virtual tour through someone else’s eyes. I don’t think I’d ever want to live there, but I find it fascinating all the same. Can’t wait to go check out more! Wonderful post!
Thank you so much! Life is actually more like the tv shows than you might think, in some respects anyway 🙂 What’s your favorite NYC set TV show and movie?
Well, I loved Seinfeld and Friends back in the day. But most recently, How I Met Your Mother tops the list. As for movies, I’m not sure off the top of my head. There are SO many!! 🙂 I visited NYC when I was young and have great memories of it, although I would like to get back there as an adult.
I could have SWORN I followed your blog after “meeting” you in the Blogging Challenge. That’s now been fixed and I’ll be popping up on your FB and Twitter follower counts as well 😀 How’s the challenge going for you? I haven’t had a real chance to dive back into the posting aspect – it’s been crazy just trying to keep up with all the homework 😉 But all good advice!
Hooray! Thanks for all the follows! I’ve actually found that I’ve already done the majority of things outlined in the challenges. I’ve had my blog for 6 years, so it’s not like I’m really a step ahead of anyone. But I am getting ideas of how to make what I have even better, so that’s great. And the community too. If I was newer to blogging, Id be totally overwhelmed! Keep your head above water and hope you have time to catch up! From what I’ve seen, you’re doing great!
I am SO happy to have discovered your blog! I moved to NYC in August of 2013 for graduate school, but then decided that I didn’t like the degree I was pursuing and moved back to boring Louisiana in December. I can’t wait to read future posts and catch up on the older ones.
I do miss the city & maybe one day I’ll return (not entirely sure if I want to, lol) but I do intend to live vicariously through you! 🙂
That’s a really hard decision to make- good for you at realizing what wasn’t right for you. Hope you do make it back to NYC and until then, thanks so much for reading! 😀
Oh my god. I know you’ll probably consider me stalkerish or lesbian but I am in love with you and your blog design. Like, totally wow. It’s very neat but colorful and bright at the same time. Like you KNOW what you’re doing unlike some people (points finger at self).
Just wanted to take a moment to appreciate the beauty of your blog. Consider me a regular reader.
Wow. I’m still amazed. The design is breathtaking.
Okay, i’ll leave now.
Aw! Thank you SO much! I worked a lot on the design, you can bet it looked nothing like this in the beginning. Took me YEARS to figure it out. You will too, I betcha!
Haha and no, not considering you stalkerish at all. I really appreciate the comment and also thanks so much for reading!
Well the hard work has paid off. It looks amazing and it’s probably the best I have seen here. Professional fun and colorful.
You know I’m so indecisive I keep changing it every now and then. It’s bizzare.
Haha phew! Glad! But again, you’re awesome! So happy to have found your blog 🙂
Happy to stumble upon your blog. I can already tell you have such a positive energy I can’t wait to follow your posts!
I’m so happy you stumbled here! I always hope to have good energy- glad it shows. Thanks so much for following!
I love your blog and it’s design! I hope to become a new york cliche one day too lol. I’ve nominated you for both the Versatile and Sunshine blogging awards!
Check out my post on what you need to do. http://thrumyspectacles.wordpress.com/2014/08/08/versatile-and-sunshine/
Thank you so much! Definitely hope you make it to this fabulous city, but until then feel free to live vicariously through me 🙂
Hamilton Heights? We should meet sometime. It’s an easy drive from my NJ apartment. You sound very interesting.
Have to say, absolutely love your blog, looking forward to reading through more of it!
Love your blog! Got stuck in your most popular dating posts from 2009 and on. Wow, how different New York was back then…
Laura4NYC recently posted…First Magical Exhibition of the Year: Pixel Forest at the New Museum
Hi! I really want to follow you but I cannot locate the follow button!
I am hooked on your blog lol.
keep on keepin’ on because you doing it right! lol.
I appreciate the diversity of voices and perspectives you feature on your blog.